
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:37:14
用be in danger to.造句..不要太复杂.谢啦 excuse the mess翻译 这道高一函数会做的进!貌似很简单!试求函数y=|x+1|+ √((x-2)^2)的最值.哥哥来个过程啊 Excuse the mess .we had pack our suitcases.怎样改错? 废柴一只参上是什么意思 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 teeny 英语翻译 Tiny 一个朋友留言这样说的,他觉得他一直是个Tiny man think over与think about的明显的区别是什么?3Q好象都有考量的意思!区别呢? the woman and her two sons were seen(enter)the house at that moment填啥呀 tiny spark啥意思? 当时有包身工的原因急! Tom什么时候抓到Jerry猫和老鼠 包身工的故事情节是什么 i'd rather you _____ these important documents with you .A.hadn't taken B.won't take C.didn't take D. not take我知道答案可以选C,但是为什么A不行? 包身工文章渗透了作者哪几个方面的感情 I post comment on Stephen Blog but the comment never come out on his blog?啥意思 comment on the paradox关于此的作文,英语高手请进,求写作思路~ you'd rather是you would rather的缩略you'd rather是you had rather的缩略 Comment on the social movement of the 英译汉 请问如何翻译?The gentleman's library has a good view over the park and the river. When did the girl finish the homework?中文 请教Does Jenny finish her homework in the study这句话的中文意思? 亡羊补牢,犹未晚矣的 犹未晚矣翻译成现代汉语 It’s diffcult____(finish) the homework in the minutes.适当形式填空! 爱跳舞的女人好吗 the Angel rests her wings the Angel rests her wings hereto save the power of Love "辞不就职"的“就”怎么解释? yes,there is.it's on center street 帮个忙,写了