
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 03:38:24
2012汕头市高一统考语文、英语答案 几道初一英语根据字母天空I can't find my cat.Do you see it a_______用适当形式Chinese people are ___(friend)than you thinkAre you ____(worry)about your son 几道初一英语 急同义句The five-year-old boy lost his way yesterday.The five-year-old boy _ _ yesterday.When the match ended,we were all very excited.When the match _ _ ,we were all very excited.How did Jim like the match?_ did Jim think _ t 还有几道 水浒传里的人物用四字词语如何概括 1、翻译句子 (一个空格一个单词)请把屋子里的书拿到我这儿来.( ) ( )me the book ( )( )( )There aren't( )windows in this room,Are there ( )in your room?A、some;any B、some;some C、any;any D、any;some 1.All the children were very_________.They asked their teacher in ________.(surprise).2.The man caught one of the _______(rob).3.The children are dancing_______(happy)around the campfire.4.When Miss Green began to_______somethind,the two boys stopped the two boy's father is an English teacher 哪里错了啊... My mother isn't very old,but she is very old-f( ).根据首字母填单词 怎么才可以简洁和更多的知道天下趣事? This is ____ mother.A.Jack and Jane B.Jack's and Jane's C.Jack and Jane;s D.Jack and Jane打错了 C.Jack and Jane‘s D.Jack's and Jane ‘彰’怎么组词啊? 龙血武姬说的 德玛西亚武运必彰 是什么意思 这个词是成语吗? 求助英语达人,我买了本新概念1,但是发现里面没有读音规则跟语法解释,看不懂.我买了本新概念1,但是发现里面没有读音规则跟语法解释,看不懂.怎么办?要配什么别的么?好像也没有单词mp3跟 如何使用新概念英语超循环背诵大表?那个大表我看不懂啊~ 代词的宾格是不是放在动名词 不定式 后面都可以的吖 但这不代表这就是句子的宾语对吗~ 陌上桑的改写 改写《陌上桑》300字,以罗敷为第一人称 My mother is no ___ young.A.shorter B.longer C.little D.few 改写《木兰诗》或《陌上桑》 My mother is young.改成否定句是什么? 我国四大名著用成语或四字词语怎么概括 我国四大名著用成语或四字词语怎么概括?帮下忙 在“趣事”发生过程中国方士兵得心理变化的过程是: 我经历过的一桩趣事这篇作文怎么写【用描写的方法写出情趣,不少于600字】 急求《诉衷情》 (欧阳修)的 简介! 求欧阳修《诉衷情》中“都缘自有离恨 故画作远山长”的解释 诉衷情 欧阳修运用什么表达手法 为何欧阳修的那首诉衷情多一字诉衷情陆游当年万里觅封侯,匹马戍梁州.关河梦断何处,尘暗旧貂裘.胡未灭,鬓先秋,泪空流.此生谁料,心在天山,身老沧洲.诉衷情欧阳修清晨帘幕卷轻霜,呵手试 I 'm good at singing.改为一般疑问句还有一个she comes from England.改为一般疑问句。 i'm good at writing.改为一般疑问句 I was good at basketball in China.(改成一般疑问句)I can speak some english .(将主语改为lingling)