
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 21:43:41
七年级英语上册仁爱版的听力除了课本听力,有没有其他的练习听力 talk to each other at any time 是正确的吗 七年级上册仁爱英语听力练习卷(十二)答案 八年级英语作文 过去时态2篇文章1.(20年后的我)2.(寒假你计划怎么做)大家帮我写一下想一下!谢谢! 描写过去的一次旅游经历的英语作文是不是全篇都要用过去时态?如题,我想问如果写到一些客观的关于风景的介绍(位置,景区的构成等)是否也要用过去时态? We used to talk everyday ,now it's like we don't even know each other anymore.这句话是什么意思 可以用过去时态写关于调查的英语作文吗 关于英语背单词我总是课内的单词背得下来,就是指课本上的单词,但是课外积累的单词总是不想去背,也背不下来,就算勉强背下来过几天就忘了,生单词查了不少,时间也没少花,但是就是没有效 问一本英语背单词的书的名字这是一套,6本吧 新东方刘义出的 单词从基础单词一直到GRE,中间有四级的、六级的,总共两万二大家知道这套书叫什么名字吗 英语背单词我发音不准,所以一般用金山词霸来听,但是我在外地读书,住的地方经常没有信号,不能总是在网上搜索发音,所以想问问有什么有自带发音、不用联网的查单词软件吗?或者有什么有 计划五一假期的活动英语作文60字用将来时写 We often write to each other. we often write to each 一部有关英语背单词的电影,这部电影叫什么? 47.Family members often talk to each other in______ (formal) English请分析下考点及解题思路 求一个英语背单词软件求一个考研英语 ,背单词的软件.我只剩一年考研了 We often talk _____each other _____your class. 星火英语中有快速记单词的书吗 英语记单词,从语音着手.这个方法好不好? They always talk with each other at lunchtime改为同义句 they always have fun_(talk)to each other2._(unfortunate)i don't have enough money to travel abroa3.—of us went to see the basketball game because we had an art classA.one B.none C.some D.no one4.lucy and lili enjoyed themselves on the school tr We ofen talk with each other at lunchtime.的句型转换转换成We ofen have a _________ _________ each other at lunchtime.(一空一词) They always help each other with study. 请教高手,英语四级背单词用什么书或者材料最有效果啊?最好书的体积小一点,里面的内容差不多刚好是四级里的词汇量,如有短语和语法讲解更好.麻烦高手指点! they came into the classroom,_____(talk)with each other 哪本英语书教背单词的,好的? 历史的选择读后感400字 them,talk,to,and,i,play,can,games,them,with(.)连词成句 friends,my,always,football,play,games连词成句 I to play want games(·)连词成句 连词成句to games them I play with me(.)to games them I play with me(.)mother go does when to your bed(?)ride to some their students school bikes(.)think school do of trip what you the(?)to games them I play with like(.)第一个打错 大学英语语法或单词记忆书籍推荐