
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:34:49
楼高但任云飞过,.出处. "通过了英语六级和计算机二级"怎么翻译 it _(be) better if he _(not go) there.虚拟语气的题目,我的问题在于,为什么这句话是与过去事实相反的假设?这句话的字面意思我理解是 如果他不来这更好.是不是理解错了? You will break it if you ____(not be) careful. if it does not it is not meant to be.前一句是:this machine should work回答是:if it does not it is not meant to be. 1、---May I have a glass of beer ,please?---Beer?Sorry ,there's _______left,but would you like some juice instead?A.none B.somethingC.no one D.nothing2、---What do you often do ______classea to telax yourself?A.over B.among C.between D.throgh3.---L 我准备考2级英语,还有笔试和口试,请问一下有什么办法可以轻轻松松考到.有"窍门"这类的吗? 水杯侧放打开盖子,水多长时间漏完,杯子是满的. 英语2级难考么我是一个高中生说的,要考英语2级证书.我想问一下难度怎麽样,好不好考.(考过的哥哥姐姐们可以说一下)考的时候可以注意哪些问题也可以说一下.那考不考都没关系.要不直接 the most touching words are not "I love you " or "be together ",but "I'm here " when you are weak.求翻译 帮我翻译下以下这句英文吧…The most romantic words,Bu near the Russian love But a life A glass of beer ____ each of us 这里应该填什么介词 寻一首歌 有句歌词是 地球妈妈在哭泣 地球妈妈 哭泣 地球妈妈为什么哭 tim will finish m his movie in a month In case I ___about the homework,please remind me of it.A.forgot B.forgetC.will forgetD.have forgotten 选择一处熟悉的建筑,或一个花坛,200字左右 人教版六年级升中古诗词积累(2)1.人教版一到六年级所有学过的古诗词总集,包括相关的练习,可以出这样的练习题(填上地名、根据诗词内容填上名胜、填上颜色、动物名、植物名) 2.古诗 "C语言"用英语怎么说.用英语怎么表示:"C语言" 已知电机定子75度时的电阻,怎样换算出25度时的电阻? 国家二级C语言英语怎么说 what's the most important in your life?love,health,mony是作文~~想做个参考~~脑子思绪比较乱~~谢谢 what‘s your____(love sth most)subject at school?sorry,I can't reat the ____(a name of a place)on this envelope 上海市属于什么样的气候,冬天的时候会觉得很冷么. The woman----------------the child quickly and took him to hospitalA put on B had on C was wearing D dressed The women_____ the child quickly and took hin to hospital A.put on B.dressed C.had on D.was wearingThe women_____ the child quickly and took hin to hospitalA.put on B.dressed C.had on D.was wearing 根据首字母填空The taxi driver took the s() child to the hospital The old woman fell down on the bus,and the bus____took him to the hospital at once Is romantic love the most important condition of marrage?的反方观点,英文哦, 赞美母亲的诗 电势和电势能的正负表示什么?