
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 14:42:45
1.请问go and get them的中文意思是什么?2.(在四班隔壁)的英文怎么写? this your glass?No,it is not______glassA:my B:your C:herIs this your glass?No,it is not______glassA:my B:your C:her 唐雎不辱使命秦王说的 公亦尝闻天子之怒乎 这句话翻译白话文要把亦(也)删掉吗 先生.也.曾经听说过天子发怒吗,好像是病句/ 先生曾经听说过天子发怒吗?这样好像比较通顺 He saw himself-------(reflect)in the shop window.reflected还是reflecting?一定要加上说明噢~ He (h--) himself badly in the accident. 翻译:When the emperor IooKed at himself,he onIy saw his underwear. Nancy is drawing pictures ______.A.beautifullyB.loudlyC.goodD.carefully a woman saw the accident happen.accitdent 在句子中充当什么成分?书上说happen 充当宾语补足语,但是see是系动词所以我想accident是表语。但是宾语补足语不是补充说明主动句中宾语的么? 什么动物灵活小巧 小巧精灵是什么动物 Dear Lindsay,Thanks for your message.Yes,I'm having a great time on my exchange program in France.It's even better than I thought it would be.I was a bit nervous before I arrived here,but there was no reason to be.My host family is really nice.They g His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazines he ________.A.had long been expectedB.had long expectedC.has long expectedD.was long expected拜托帮忙讲一讲when引导的时间状语从句的时态问题 The life he was used to ____that year,when a terrible traffic accident……The life he was used to ____that year,when a terrible traffic accident happened to him.A.changing B.change C.changed D.be changed he has a big eye.when he blinks his eye,the man death.什么意思?这是什么东西呀? 便宜又好看又萌的动物情侣2个人一起养~没钱希望能便宜点 The surroundings of his house ______ clean now.空上为什么填are,请分析一下, Where is the famous Eiffel Tower? 现在完成时 疑问句中有yet时 动词可以用延续性的吗 There is a tall metal building call the Eiffel Tower. 哪里错了 讨厌被欺骗的感觉翻译英文怎么写 右图为某反射弧的部分模式图,下列叙述正确的是我的问题是D选项为什么不对,此反射弧为什么不是由两个神经元组成,还有B选项为什么是单向传递,如果说是同一个神经元,那兴奋在同一个神经 Shall we go shopping now?Sorry,I can not.I ---- my shirts.A.wash B.washed C.am washing yet只用于现在完成时吗 I like the city of Hang Zhou,where stands a famous tower还是I like the city of Hang Zhou,which stands a famous tower答案上是1,但是我觉得2比较通啊,1的话这个从句的主语在哪 △急!I like the city of Hang Zhou,______stands a famous tower.I like the city of Hang Zhou,______stands a famous tower.A、in it B、 where C、there D、which (答案给的是B .但是where不是关系副词吗,不是不能做主语吗.还是这 5、关于反射的叙述,正确的是A、是神经调节的基本方式 B、包括条件反射和非条件反射 C、完成反射必须有完整的反射弧 D、完成反射必须有大脑皮层的参与 有关氧化反应的叙述正确的是( )A氧化还原反应的判断是看有无元素化合价的升降B氧化反应的判断是看有无氧元素的得失C化合反应肯定不是氧化还原反应D氧化还原反应中一定有两种元素 关于三个反应不正确的叙述是:1.氧气和硫反应.2.氧气和磷反应.3.氧气和铁丝反映.A.生成物都是固体.B.都是非金属和氧气反应. it rained all day中的 all day 做什么成分 It goes all day long. A___ ___ ___the street now(clean) the city is quite like ours.the food and many other things are similar 中文