
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 22:07:58
有两张图… cos180°为什莫等于-1求详解~ 如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,E为BC边上一点,且AB=AE.若AE平分∠DAB,∠EAC=25°,求∠AED的度数.如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,BD为对角线,点E、F分别在BC、CD上,且EF平行于BD,求证△ABE的面积=△ADF的面积.在日志 两道数学图形题.1.已知(如图左):正方形ABCD的边长为b,正方形DEFG的边长为a. 求:(1)梯形ADGF的面积; (2)三角形AEF的面积; (3)三角形AFC的面积.2.已知(如 数学分析习题,图中第二题! 如图,只要第二题 god is a girl 的中文解释.如果你会,就太好了!如果你是来凑热闹的或完成任务的,就请go Remembering me,Discover and see All over the world,She's known as a girl To those who a free,The mind shall be key Forgotten as the past 'C 汽车英语“发动机”英文怎么写? 数学正余弦函数图像题目,第2题 三角函数cos90'= 初中三角函数,为什么cos90=0,cos0=0,cot0=0?请分析~ 帮忙解释下这句英文的意思...Two types of people to appreciate:one is supercilious; another is regarded all as treasures . Never frown,even when you are sad,because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 上图了,玩游戏出现的. Meeting you wasfate,becoming yourfriend was achoice,but fallinginlove with you wasbeyond my control. 一个长方形如图所示,恰分成6个正方形,其中最小的正方形的面积是1cm^2,求这个长方形的面积如图,记住六个都是正方形!be quick!tu 初三数学;为什么cos90度=0? 如图是由几个正方形组成的长方形,已知中间阴影小正方形的边长为1,求长方形的面积 cos90度怎么求 由六个正方形拼成的长方形如图,已知中间的小正方形边长为1cm,求长方形的面积 如图,有五个大小不全相同的正方形组成一个大长方形,中间留有一边长为1cm的正方向小洞,求这个长方形的面积. 用一元一次方程解. 英语翻译这一栏是这样写的:Engine oil consumptionoil consumption:MAX.1.1qt./600 miles,0.9 lmp.qt./600 miles(1.0L per 1000km)if your vehicle consumers more than 1.1 qt.(1.0L,0.9lmp.qt.)every 600 miles(1000km),contact your Tooyta dealer.请 英语翻译盒子正面Meguiar’Mirror Glaze/professional medium-cut cleaner盒子背面Removes tough paint defects resistant to less aggressive cleaners·Works with a rotary buffer for FAST,EFFECTIVE removal of swirls,water spots,acid rain damage 英语翻译英语太水,就能看懂一部分.要充电时间是多少 请问一下为什么sin0等于1? 如下图所示,并排放着两个正方形,大正方形的边长为五,小正方形的边长为三,求三角形BEF的面积是多少. 如果右图每个小正方形的边长是1厘米,图中三角形的面积是( ). 英语翻译1 按着这个按钮可以切换视角2 当进度条满的时候,按黄色按钮 汽车可以加速. 英语翻译the piston appears to be a fairly simple part ,but it has undergone extensive study and development to improve its design. 英语翻译(1)when the engine is warm ,the cooling system is under pressure .It is necessary to release pressure before starting repair work.(2)Engine oils are graded according to their viscosity .The proper grade to be used in your engine depends o 【sin330°*tan(-13π/3)】/【cos(-19π/6)*cos690°】 tanα=2,那么 cos(2α+3π/2)的值是多