
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 04:38:13
sometimes Mr Brown feeds his little dog ( ) meat and bones .Sometimes he feeds something else ( )itA.to,to B.on,with C.with,to D.with,for a little love什么意思 Loveme,love my dog这句谚语是什么意思 英语翻译猜谜1.What is take from you before you get it 填空2.Try to complete the follwing sentences by adding the words opposite in meaning ,one word for each blank.①i like black______coors.②Lots of people are coming in and ______.③There I love you,my little 春天在哪里?春天在盛开的桃花里,朵朵桃花就像春姑娘的笑脸.照句子. 甜甜的一张笑脸 甜甜的一张笑脸就今天一天 老人与海桑提亚哥的性格特点和典型事例 英语翻译1、当而而不而,不当而而而,而今而后,已而已而.(翻译)2、二画大,二画小.(打一字)3、短一些,在短一些.(打一字)4、劈岩移山,修田植柳.(打两字或一果实名)5、黄瓷瓶,口儿小 鸟是树的花朵这篇文章为什么说鸟是树的花朵 you are my lobster. 《老人与海》老渔夫圣地亚哥最具特色的一句名言是什么 鸟是树的花朵作者为什么说“有了鸟显得格外生动” 老人与海 中老渔夫最具特色的一句名言是那一句? 鸟是树的花朵 阅读 为什么鸟是树的花朵 一,用括号中所给给单词的适当形式填空.1.Lingling and Daming_____(not,speak)English at home.2.He always_____(invite)me to his parties.3.It takes me____(a lot)time to do my homework.4.It/s true_____(say)a dog is a man/s best friend or at 单选题 ---I’m sorry to have kept you waiting so long.--- 1.Don’t mention it.2.Not at all.3.It doesn’t matter.4.You are welcome.He gave me on how to study English well.1.some advice 2.advices 3.an advice 4.the advice Take care of my dog while 1._____ sleep do you need?Nine hours’sleep.A.How much B.How long C.How much D.How often2.I can learn much _____ the Internet.A.in B.on C.at D.searce3.Eating and sleep well _____ you keep in good health.A.helps B.helping C.helped D.help4.(适当形 眉毛的英语单词怎么写 “停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花”的意思? 停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花.知道的, “停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花.”诗句的意思是? —Have you heard from Jack_________? —Yes, he went to Japan on business last week. One night he returned to his hotel ______, and met with a robber in the street. He fought bravely. ________, the police came and the robber was seized. —Well, t 翻译1.拉小提琴 play_________ 2.打篮球 play_________3.打网球 play_________ 4.吃早饭 have_________5.吃中饭 have_________ 6.吃晚饭 have_________7.玩得很高兴 have_________1.He is speaking very_______.A.Loud B.Loudly2.Daming's fr we need five more girls to do this job.(同义句转换) My father often _____ basketball matches on TVA.sees B.looks C.looks at D.watches 英语猜谜语(要有中文)They look huge and scaredbecause they are much taller and stronger than us.What is it 猜谜语,答案写中文也写英文1.小房子全是肉,没门进去吃一口2.有城市,没房屋,有森林,没树木;有河流,没鱼虾;这东西,是何物?3.一会跑上山坡,一会跑下山坡,可是不管怎样,还是没有挪窝.写英 猜谜语.用英语回答(把汉语也写上)What part of parents isn't in parent? 猜谜语,要用英语回答的it has two big eyes ,but it can't see.it has two ears ,bbut it can't hear.it has a mouth ,but it can't eat .it has two hands ,but it can't do no anything .it has two legs,but it can't jump.it has no father ,no mother .w 当你在字典里找一个单词的时候,你必须注意单词的首字母的翻译