
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 02:39:46
...you could call my lift on the road.Prior to that I'd always dreamed of... 那一天我____了 为题目写一篇作文作文 600字以上{初一的}要好些的哦,开头和结尾写的好些,谢啦(或者教我怎么写也行,就是我有些想写友谊什么的,帮我开个头也可以,不是友谊的也行) impossible与not possible有什么区别?为什么?都表示语气强烈的“不可能”吗? he told it is not possible哪里不对 愚公移山 如果没有天帝帮忙,愚公怎么办?改写 matlab 画图出错 Conversion to double from sym is not possible.syms x;y=-2.1813e-005*(x^5)+0.0013202*(x^4)-0.02357*(x^3)+0.086555*(x^2)+0.028076*x+22.711;dy=diff(y);x=0:.1;30;plot(x,dy) 嫡长子的同母亲和庶母兄弟是什么意思 先秦时,嫡长子继承家业后死去,无子,是庶子哥哥有继承权,还是亲胞弟有继承权?比如说某国的国君,他有三个儿子,按年龄由大到小排列为,庶子(妾生的儿子),嫡长子(正妻生的第一个儿子), 黛玉葬花、宝钗扑蝶、晴雯撕扇等典故(短一点的) 变色龙的自我介绍,400字左右.急,就今天! 西周诸侯不可能是: A.嫡长子 B.大宗 C.小宗 D.皇帝之后 what is the donation for what is the stem for? what is the party for的意思 I hardly hear you 应填can't还是couldn't?如题 Can I speak to Mr Black please ______I will go and find himA give up B hand in C put up D hold on 嫡长子,嫡五子 庶次子具体什么区别皇后声的和妃子生的都是嫡的吗?\还是只有皇后生的?那庶又是怎么回事? “嫡长子不一定是长子”这句话对么?急. 嫡长子继承制度的利与弊 Tony worked in a lawyer's office years ago.时态?主动词?对in a lawyer's office 提问He has never borrowed money from me.时态?助动词?I asked him to lend me twenty pounds.时态?助动词?对 lend me twenty pounds划线提问 Tony worked in a lawyer's office years ago.请问句中的years ago是固定搭配吗那years 补对话, 补单词Why don't you p___ basketball?It is p___,easy to learn and lots of f___ ,especially,if you play w___ a group of friends.It's also a c___ sport because many basketball courts are free and you don't need anything e___ ,o___ a ball.Many doctors 语文要怎么补,数学怎么提高我初一初二单词有背一点点,语法都不会,什么对什么提问,什么格什么的都不懂,反正都不懂.完型和阅读的话拿着词典也才对60%,作文跟只有初一上册水平.现在要上 he is a什么(polite)man拜托了各位 站在树上是stand on 还是stand in he is a什么(polite)man,抄作业是copy the homework 还是copy homework, 刚学的, 我还有几空不会. I don't mind( ).Alaugh at B laughing at C be laughed at D being laughed at -Do you mind if I put a pen here?--()A.No,certainly nat B.yes,I mind C.No,I don't need.为什么选择A 床头捉刀人 阅读《床头捉刀人》回答问题1.将省略的句子成分补填在横线上.既毕,___________令间谋问曰:“魏王如何?”2.曹操为什么不亲自召见匈奴使者?3.匈奴使为什么被杀?4.这个小故事,作 There's a bar next by the railway station.这句话对吗? What are the main functions of Parliament?