
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 23:23:37
如何翻译what number will people keep for life 中国人究竟靠什么途径表达情绪 这样翻译行吗what Chinese people rely on what way to express our emotion 史上最难猜 的谜语城市灯火惹人醉 人在江湖实在累 困难重重梦难邃 残酷现实要面对 生活无聊心疲惫 笑对人生无眼泪一生难得几回醉多多休息别太累猜八字?天鹅飞去我不去一月别的想你单 猜几个历史谜语1,红墙(打一古地名)2,刘邦大笑,刘备大哭(打一字)3,周郎坐看烧赤壁(打一成语)4,垓下之围(打一三国历史人物)5,珲(打一两晋历史人物)6,防守严密(打一南北朝历史 世界上最难的谜语? 1.管窥(打一近代人物) 2.太白全集(打一清代人物) 3.身体好才能办大事(打一近代维新变法人物) 4.认真回答问题(打一近代思想家) 5.中华民族繁荣昌盛(打一近代资产阶级革 命家) 1、唐代通宝(打一历史人物):2、东方欲晓(打一历史人物):3、书房谈天(打一古代名著):4、囚禁苏武(打一历史人物):5、获利不忘创业苦(打一历史人物):6、欺骗历史(打一 结尾是D的动词过去式/Id/结尾/d/的动词过去式结尾/t/的动词过去式如:collect taste/t/ /t/结尾是D的动词,直接加ed 动词过去式怎么变? There is going to()a puppet show in our school. Tomorrow is Thursday.There is going to ___ a parents` meeting in our school.是用be,还是用have/has,两个该怎么用呢? There is going to _____ a report ______ Chinese history in our school this evening.A have; on B be; on C have; for; of 选哪一个啊 is going to ______a game in our school this afternoon.There is going to ______a game in our school this afternoon.A.has B.have D.are What makes a happy marriage? What makes us happy?是什么令我们幸福? what makes me happy有思想 有个性的回答 什么让你这么开心 用英语是:what makes you so happy what 和什么让你这么开心 用英语是:what makes you so happy what 和 makes 之间为什么不加助动词 “does” 那样不就不是疑问句了嘛 还有 “这有什么 雷锋名言.日记快 谁有雷锋的日记和格言,急 英语翻译1.你猜他是不是我同学?2.你知道他正在看什么吗?3.你认为他是对的吗?4.我不知道我们什么时候能结束工作 5.我正在想他为什么迟到 6.我不记的作业本放在哪里了?7.我忘了我正在找什 画谜语大全及答案 英语翻译1在我八岁时 2你知道李老师什么时候回芜湖呢?3我不知道他叫什么名字4你知道我的手表出了什么问题吗?5我不知道我是否能按时完成作业 Which is faster,heat or cold? And too many people in a small place make 18 hard to keep thecities safe and clean.And too many people in a small place make 18 hard to keep thecities safe and clean.Yet quiet a lot of people still 19 living in big cities.18.A it B them Cthis Dthat19 The small town is so good a place ________ many people come to visit ________ it has becomewell known all over the world A.that; that \; asC.that; as \; that The room is too small to hold so many people.同义句 The room is not __ __ to hold so many people. too many,too much,much too There are ()people in the hall.The window are()small and they can'ttoo many,too much,much too There are ()people in the hall.The window are()small and they can't let()fresh air comein. 几内亚湾暖流是赤道逆流还是北赤道暖流 几内亚暖流的成因是? 挪威暖流 成因挪威暖流的成因 以及东澳大利亚暖流的成因 圣诞节谜语(英语)至少十个 求一些圣诞谜语(英语)!