
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 11:54:35
RT一件工作,甲乙两人一起要10小时,乙单独做要15小时,问如果甲单独做要几小时 What is the population of your twon It is about six thousand.为什么答语用is不用has what is the climate likt in your country(中的be like是怎么样的意思),那这句话可不可以改成how climate in your country 翻译My letter to Professor Smith must have been miscarried ,for he never received it. chenguanxi did to the starts shows that something must be done with the internet.帮忙翻译下. 改错 what is the weater in your country? Ich liebe dich...Can you feel the magic in the air,it must've been the way you kiss me..翻译 be received是什么意思?如上那Local newspapers are well received beacause they carry articles that please local people.这句又怎么翻译?地方报纸一般被认为很好的标准,因为它们刊登一些让地方人们高兴的文章? 翻译个句子 :报纸上说这个新专辑受到了好评,成为了这个月的畅销品(be well received) well matched;be well matched是什么意思 若多项式x^2+6x+a可以分解为(x+2)与(x+b)的积,试求(a-b)^a-2b 西夏国在哪个省? 待定系数法:多项式x^2-y^2+ax+by+1可分解成关于x,y的一次因式的积,试确定a,b的关系式 西夏人是从哪里起源的 他们是怎么建立起西夏国的还有他们属于什么人种 翻译中文But that's impossible! but that could be outweghed by washing your cutlery .求翻译.代词就直接翻译成这样就可以了. 翻译Sorry,but that's no excuse. 英文翻译but maybe that's not 有三个连续偶数,其中最小的是比其它两个数的和小28,求这三个数 The train _____ she was traveling was late.a where b in that c on which d which明显答案是c,不过我想问,a where 为何不能选,where 不是等同 on which么 The train on which she was traveling was late 这里的on which能不能换为where呢? the train on which she was traveling was late中的on which 能不能用where替代? The train __she was traveling was 5minutes late?中为什么填on which 而不用that?如题 和12相差3的数 是多少 有几个 是9和15对不对 in front of 和before用法有什么区别? I'll never forget the day on which I worked with you.I'll never forget the days in/during which I worked with you.I'll never forget the days on which we worked together.我想问的是那个介词的不同 一道英语辨析题目I don't think any of these outdoor activities ______(be) dangerous if we are careful.这是我们书上的一个句子,它写的是are我想问为什么是这样? 为什么小贝壳生活在海边 梦到好多好大的贝壳,有的大贝壳张开嘴巴里面有还有小贝壳,小贝壳张开嘴巴里面没有东西.有2个大贝壳里面有小精灵是的小生命,还有晶莹剔透的珍珠,请问是怎么回事? 我想知道怎么把在海边捡回的小贝壳做成手链,急着送给女朋友,用什么胶水,我是准备把小贝壳串在一种叫做牛筋绳的绳子上. 我从海边捡了一些小贝壳,活的.现在用海水养着,现在感觉海水有点少了.于是我想用盐水来加一下,请问海水和盐水能混合用来养贝壳么?速度回答啊有用的我追加分! 为什么在海边挖的小贝壳回家用海水泡了一天让它吐沙,吃的时候还是有沙吃在嘴里呢我去海边挖过几次小贝壳回家吃,虽然回家用海水泡过一两天了,可沙怎么还是吐干净呀,吃的时候锅底下还