
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 21:25:30
He doesn t come because he is illbecause he is ill对这句进行提问——he—? I don't teach beacause teaching is easy for me这句的意思是 我之所以教书并不是因为教书对我太容易.那么我想问的是,如果我想表达 我之所以不教书是因为教书对我太容易.该怎么说呢如果说i teach not b 背单词总是忘 有什么窍门么 还是只有死记硬背一个办法? Do you do your homework in the evening?(at seven o'clock)用上括号内的时间进行时态转换 They do______homework at seven in the evening.A.the B.one's C.their D.they David can f____his homework before seven o′clock every evening. 谐音的女英文名 白雯 求 宋词10首以及其中5首的翻译和赏析 英语翻译李煜---长相思 秋风多,雨相和,帘外芭蕉三两窠,夜长人奈何!李煜---挽词 飘零事已空.沉沉无问处,千载谢东风.李冠----蝶恋花 数点雨声风约住,朦胧淡月云来去.柳永----蝶恋花 草色烟光 如何学英语,真不想死记硬背背单词啊! 背单词靠死记硬背有用吗?我现在上初一 英语非常差 大概只有五年级下册的水平测验只得了70分 (120满分)我现在的单词量很少 要怎么才能背好单词呢? 怎样制定班级工作计划和做好班级工作总结 ---our basketball team won the match.---( )good information you gave me! A,what a Bwhat选什么?为什么? what was score of the basketball game?what was the of the basketball game? what do you think of the basketball game?改为同义句 ____ do you____the basketball game? I'm sorry for being late.A.You're welcome B.That 's right C.Never mind i'm r___sorry for being late for the meeting My parents want me to stay at home every night.给出你的建议 做个调查:你一小时能背几个单词(要是自己真的背过的)附上你现在是什么年龄,什么职业 大家在高中时一小时背多少单词啊?我一小时就背40+个,偶是不是有些苯啊? 连词成句 school,game,there,big,a,yesterday,at,foorball,was,our 一小时认真背,你们能背多少初中单词? 怎么在1小时内背1000个单词 类似这样的句子我很好,不哭不闹不炫耀,不要委屈不要嘲笑,也不需要别人知道.女孩子的 找类似这样的句子..好马不吃回头草好蝶不采落地花好.... i am afraid they would not allow him()here为什么是 to smoke呢? they would not allow him___across the enemy lifea.to risk goingb.risk to goc.risking to god.risk going首先risk 其次,但是allow的搭配的不是只有allow sb to do和 allow sb doing吗?怎么有个allow sb to doing了呢? 在吉林市哪里可以报考四级英语? our basketball game lost和we lost basketball game请问这两句哪句是对的?还是都不对? 吉林四级考场查询 they would not take him to Beijing的被动语态怎么改 身份证查询英语四级成绩(吉林)