
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 04:12:18
In what ways does looking after the rain forest help with wildlife protection?如何翻译 impossible---I'm possible是什么意思 impossible=I'm possible这句话最早出自哪里我想知道的是时间,最早是什么时候出现的 Be quiet ,I can _____hear her words.A hard B hardly C really D clearly 捉刀的捉是什么意思? is not possible 和 is impossible一样吗改错题里面碰到要把 is possible 改成反面的,是应该增加 not ,还是把possible 改为 impossible ,这两种该法都一样吗 We _hardly hear you.please speak loudly a bit A,can B,can't C,may not D,must I could hardly hear you ,Mr Black,_______?A could you B could I 请说明理由 Would you please ____ the TV?I can hardly hear the conversation between the two speakers.A.turn on B.turn up C.turn off D.turn down 复合宾语和双宾语有什么区别? 学商务英语需要学商务口语吗?学商务英语看重的是口语吗? 床头捉刀人解释加点字的意思床头捉刀人里面的字的意思 What are the functions of Parliament How does the law-making process work? 魏王雅望非常,然床头捉刀人,此乃英雄也.魏武将见匈奴使,自以形陋,不足以雄远国.使崔季珪代,帝自捉刀立床头.既毕,令间谍问曰:“魏王何如?"匈奴使答曰:“ 魏王雅望非常,然床头立刀者, after having taken off,the plane flew low over the cityafter having taken off,the plane flew low over the city.1整个句子是个什么句子或句型?2句中的after having taken off,take为什么用过去分词?我个人乱说哦:)别介意哦 What did you say at the meeting?(找错) 甲数是30,比乙数的五分之一多18,乙数是多少? 文言文中吕蒙正笑着说"吾面不过碟大,安照二百里"的目的是什么? 英语翻译吕蒙正以宽厚为宰相,太宗(宋太宗赵匡义)尤所眷遇.有一朝士家藏古鉴,自言能照二百里,欲因公弟献以求知.其弟伺间从容言之,公笑曰:“吾面不过碟子大,妄用照二百里?”其弟遂不复 文言文高手速进!《吕蒙正不为物累》原文:吕蒙正以宽厚为宰相,太宗(宋太宗赵匡义)尤所眷遇.有一朝士家藏古鉴,自言能照二百里,欲因公弟献以求知.其弟伺间从容言之,公笑曰:“吾面不过 Having finished his homework he went to play football.做完家庭作业以后,他去踢球了.(分词的完成式).是什么分词的被动语态. _____my homework ,l was not allowed to watch TV.为什么用not having finished now lived 是什么时态的词 甲数的40%与乙数的30%相等,乙数的20%与丙数的60%相等求甲乙丙的比是多少? Jack and Cathy often play chess togetheer on the computre on the weekend. 紫藤萝瀑布中对紫藤落花进行细致描写时作者先写(),次写(),再写(),最后写(). if i give you a give you a 解释下面括号中的文言词语(危)楼一座碧瓦飞(甍)(裁)如星点直插霄(汉) 《吕蒙正不记人过》文言文译文 怎样表达你的愤怒? 怎么表达愤怒