
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 11:02:56
May God bless may god bless you Good-bye,and may God bless you!如题 英语作文:Do you get up early or late?Do you find it easy or difficult to get up?Why?What is the best way to learn a foreign language God Bless You 作文杂志《作文素材》《作文独唱团素材精粹》《最文摘》三本哪个比较好.我只看过《作文素材》.想知道哪本内容比较好,比较新颖.以便决定明年订哪本,.跪谢. 问一下亲们:我有几篇作文,想发表在杂志上,请问可以发在什么杂志上比较合适?我是初二的,最好是青年类的杂志,请问有什么适合的杂志吗? 龟能组什么词 Why don't you play us what you know well?这句话的意思 I don't know how I can swim well.(改为简单句) I don't know ________ _______ _______well.I don't know how I can swim well.(改为简单句)I don't know ________ _______ _______well. 高中生提高写作,订什么报刊杂志 清明时节,细雨绵绵,人们手捧鲜花到人民英雄纪念碑前缅怀革命烈士,想起杜牧所写什么诗句啊 语法问题Many parents don't allow their children watching TV while they are doing their homework这句话错在哪里? something anything是不是同some /any一样,一个用在肯定句,一个用在否定句 may god bless you! 燕窝英文怎么翻译? The children are living under the parachute of their parents.把“孩子生活在父母的保护伞下”翻译成英语…是不是像上面这么翻啊?如果不是那又该怎么翻呢? 燕窝英语怎么说?白燕和血燕英语怎么翻译啊? 燕窝 用英文怎么说呢?食用的燕窝 英文怎么说呢? some 在否定句和疑问句中通常要变成any,那以some开头的合成词呢,比如:somebody,someone.变成anybody,anyone吗? may god bless you.为什么把may提前~把情态动词提前不是变成问句了么,或者断句为may,god bless you可这样的话bless就要变单数了 名词性从句,what ,which 怎么选择 有什么办法可以在短期内使自己的英语水平提高? “我想同外国人用英语交谈,但感到困难很大”用英语怎么说谢谢了, A long and lasting love Not many people find it But those who do Their whole life through Put their heart and soul behind it A long and lasting love A long and lasting love Is what I always dreamed of And when I looked into your eyes I knew I'd reall 求A long and lasting love的歌词 a long and lasting love A Long And Lasting Love 歌词 1.what's wrong?2.my clothes are out of style.3.what's the matter?4.i argued with my best friend.5.what's should i do?6.you could write him a letter.7.what should he do?8.maybe he should say he's sorry.9.what's should they do?10.they should talk about 英语翻译having a love of reading promotes a lifetime of learning and enjoying. 选择方框中的句子补全对话,有两项是多余的 在方框中选择"适当“的句子补全对话A:Hi.( )B:Yes,I am.My name' JayA:Hi,Jay.I'm liuB:( )A:Oh,we're in a music group togetherB:Oh,yes,( )A:Yes,I do.do you play the guita?B:No,i don't A:Do you play the piano?B:will,( )A:( )B:Uh,wel