
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:35:17
说明理由1.The fastest thing in space is light.Light travels ______ 300,000km per second.A.at a speed of B.with the speed of C.at a speed about D.with the speed about2.Lucy is waiting _______ No.3 bus stop _______ her father.A.for...for B.for ...a 1.She works _________ as her sister.A.as hardly as B.not as good as C.as carefully as D.not as better as2.I was too sad to _________ last night.A.feel sleepy B.fell sleepyC.felt asleep D.fall asleep 1,Look,Simon,( )MP4 that I bought last year isn't workingA,a B,an C,the D,不填2,——What can I do for you?———I want_____MP4 player for my daughterA,a B,an C,the D,/ 24.When Jane ________goodbye to her Chinese friends,she could hardly hold back her tears.A.tells B.tell C.waves D.waved 25.They are well________ with each other since they once studied in the same university.A.identified B.recognized C.acknowledged D 1、People who live in a small village are bound to see a good of each other.A quantity B amounat C deal D degree2、The teacher showed the new student to do.A what B how C that 最好说明原因 ________ into the office ______ the telephone rang.选CA、He hardly got;whenB、He had hardly got;thanC、Hardly had he got;whenD、He hardly had got;than解释下原因,并翻译She ought to ____ to finish it before 12 o 'clock.A、askB、been aske 英语选择题,秒采纳! The light in the office is still on.  ---- Oh,I forgot___.  A.turning it off B.turn it off C.to turn it off D.having turned   it off ()left the building,when the bomb went off.A:Hardly have we B:Hardly we hadC:hardly had we D:If we E:we had no sooner Tom doesn't really know______captainA.whom of them he should makeB.who of them should he makeC.which of them he should makeD.who of them he should make.为什么选C不是指人吗 怎么又变成which了Your father didn't take the medicine last nigh 英语选择题12—15 The world _____ is make upA.where we live in B.we live in 但我不明白为什么不能选A 该怎么样去分析题目 Mr.White _____ at our office three times in the last week,and each time he _____ for you.A.called; was B.called; has beenC.has been calling; is D.has called; was 三道小小的选择题 英语 1.where did you go______ last year ,kitty?A.for fun B.for sightseeing 我觉得因该选B 中文通点 kitty,你去哪儿旅游 但答案上是A2.what would you suggest the tourists ______?A.do B to do C doing D done第三题是划线提问we can f 1.He gained his __ by printing __ of famous writers.a.wealth;work b.wealths;works c.wealths;work d.wealth;works这题答案选的是d.搞不懂为什么这么选.2.Here's my card.Let's keep in __.我在选项touch 和 connection中产生了疑问.保 Tian announced his _A_as a driver on March 25.2007.A.retirement B.retiring 为什么不能认为是sb'doing?___I admire David as a poet,I don't like himAmuch as B.Only if C.If only D.as much不懂为甚选AWe had to wait half an hour_B__we had alread 1,what do you _____ having for dinner?I____to have some fish.a.feel like;feel likeb.would like;would likec.feel like;would liked.would like;feel like2,after middle school,my sister plans_____ and further her studies.A.go abroad b.going abroad c.to go 1.A large number of books __for the library and the number of the books needed__500.A.is needed ;is B.are needed;are C.are needed;is D.is needed;are2.I don not think ___necessary to read so many useless books.A.that B.this C.one D.it3.The police have 1 、 when they () at the airport ,it was raining.A arrive B arrives C arrival D arrived 2 Mum,do you se my pencil?I can not find it now.I see it.it is () your textbook.A below B down C up D in 3 how many trees did you plant yesterday?we did not coun 初二生物选择题色盲基因位于X染色体上,是隐性遗传,在患者的性别中()A.全是男性B.男女一样多C.全是女性D.男性多于女性帮忙做一下,要解题思路谢谢 位于X染色体上的基因的传递途径是( )A.外祖母→父亲→女儿 B.祖父→父亲→儿子C.外祖父→母亲→儿子 D.祖母→母亲→女儿我知道答案是C,可是不知道是为什么,什么叫做“X染色体上的基因 1.中国等六国科学家实施的“人类基因组计划”,要对人类全部的染色体的基因时行测序,你认为该计划要测定的人类染色体数目应是:A.46条 B.24条2.6月10日下午,几位同学到郊外游玩,看到鱼在 1.恶性肿瘤的形成是因为细胞( )A不断分化而不分裂 B不断分裂而不分化C不断分裂而不生长 D不断生长而不分裂2.下列各项中对温度的耐受范围最大的是( )A可生殖范围 B可生存范围C可 初二生物(选择题) (2008山东理综)已知分泌蛋白的新生肽链上有一段可以引导其进入内质网的特殊序列——P肽段.若P肽段缺失,则该蛋白( )A 无法继续合成 B 可以进入高尔基体C 可以被加工成熟 D 无法被分泌 一道生物选择题、谢环境中有一些“廉价”的无机物使神奇的光合作用能利用它们生产出葡萄糖等有机产物和参与细胞的构建,但这些无机原料不包括?a、水 b、无机盐 c、二氧化碳 d、氧 已知20种氨基酸的平均分子量为128,现有一2条肽链组成的蛋白质,共有肽键98个,则此蛋白质的分子量为( )A.12800 B.12544 C.11036 D.12288 1、最小的细胞是 ( )A、噬菌体 B、类病毒 C、支原体 D、细菌2、下列不属于高等植物细胞结构的是 ( )A、细胞壁 B、质膜 C、核糖体 D、中心体3、下列关于细胞核的说法正确的是 ( )A、 高中生物,两道选择题,求分析 ①肾上腺和胰岛都是直接受到下丘脑控制,不经过垂体. 为什么选C ②另外一个不会 罗非鱼是杂食性鱼类,能适应咸、淡水环境.某实验基地水 库中放养了一批罗非鱼.监测数据显示,a -e段,这种罗非 鱼的种群数量发生了明显的波动.调查发现,有人在该水库 中放生了大型肉食性 问几个生物选择题``急`````1.人体的下列关节中,灵活性最大的是( )A.踝关节 B.肘关节 C.肩关节 D.膝关节2.人体的每一个动作都是( )A.一块骨骼肌在神经系统的支配下单独完成的.B.多个肌群在神经