
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 23:35:42
想追上,我高一数学基本没学也就十多分,现在想追,怎么追?只有数学这一科,我不喜欢数学,没有兴趣,也不入门,不爱做题.怎么办? 初二的第一次月考我考得很差原来在班上前三名的 这次物理和数学考得差 怎么办 能再追上去吗!我真的好怕 无线路由器中无线ap究竟是什么意思 无线路由器+AP是什么意思 开启ap隔离是什么意思 用matlab lsqcurvefit使用的问题在用matlab进行lsqcurvefit拟合时,m文件为:function y=fit(x,xd)y=50*x(1)./(x(1)-x(2))*(exp(-x(2)*xd)-exp(-x(1)*xd))在command windows窗口里代码是:x=1:31y=[1 1 8 14 30 11 8 7 17 11 5 4 0 8 7 2 4 2 5 Matlab 曲线拟合 lsqcurvefit函数问题,老是运行有错,但自己手动拟合的曲线拟合性很好,求大神帮忙解决xdata = 0:1:24;ydata = [1,1.01573,1.031006579,1.045842764,1.059417803,1.071707049,... 1.083978095,1.09612949,1.107693 四又三分之二里有( )个三分之一,有( )个九分之一,有( )个六分之一. matlab中lsqcurvefit怎么用我的数据如下,想求解一个反比例函数,怎么用lsqcurvefit实现啊?x=1:5;y=[1 0.83 0.75 0.71 0.68];plot(x,y)f=@(c,x)1./(c(1)*x+c(2));c0=[0.5 -0.1];[c,resnorm]=lsqcurvefit(f,c0,x,y);其运行结果为:Optimi 济南哪里卖草粉养羊草粉养猪草粉养牛草粉 汉语语义结构与语法结构的非一致性 计算机中语义与语法的区别是什么 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空.71 Their parents are both teachers And_(I) are doctors.72.You can make a_(decide) among the suggestions.73.THe law of gravity_(discover)by Isaac Newton about 350 scars ago.74.He lives on the__(n 根据句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空 根据句子的意思,用所给的单词的适当形式填空This computer is ______ (connect )to the on ein another room I'm very ______ (please)to talk with youLook!How beautiful the bird is!It is spreading ______ (it)wingsI'm having troubl 根据句子意思,用所给词的正确形式填空 好用英语怎么说 英语长句语义语法问题,【前面分句的语法结构】Birth control was less of a concern as she got older,but she took the pill to help with her heavy,painful periods,and to make the supply last,she tried alternating one month on,one month 请帮忙看一下这5个英语句子有没有什么语法和语义的错误1.the weather tomorrow is really fine,so i decide to have a picnic with my family.2.after i spent some time doing listening exercise,my English has improved much.3.my classma 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Eating too much junk food is________(harn) for our health.2.The camel is a _________(use)animal when you travel in the desert.3.The farmer____________(dig)out a lot of carrots from his land yes 根据句子的意思,用所给单词的正确形式填空(写理由)1.Tina and jenny's mother is__(read)them a story.she__(read)them a story every night.tina and jenny like__(lsten)to stories.2.A:why is tim__(cry)B:he doesn't want to__(go)to sho 1、 试述毛泽东关于新民主主义革命道路理论的主要内容.为什么说这条道路理论和发展了马克思主义列宁主义 ill是什么词性? 开冷饮店赚钱吗?如何开冷饮店赚钱 ill的词性动词还是形容词,举例说明!谢谢!急用! 为什么是be seriously ill ill词性是什么 ill和sick这两个词词性,运用各有何不同? 英语演讲PPT背景音乐选什么好?要慢一点的,时间大概是十五分钟以上,回答的时候最好 什么英语演讲PPT背景音乐较好 谁会做英语时态的幻灯片,要好看点的.最好还有背景音乐的 用所给单词的适当形式填空完成句子.I don't like to be ____(late),so I get up ____(early) every morning They are working ____(hard) to improve their English.It's raining ____(hard).People can ____(hard) go hik 抗战胜利后,中国共产党为新民主主义革命胜利作了哪些努力?新民主主义革命胜利有什么意义?