
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 05:50:35
谁知道这个美女是谁啊? 这女的谁啊 、 知道名字么 、http://hi.baidu.com/jian2805/album/item/54b04081bf1babe2bc3e1e3f.html# 非常想知道新CC的动力怎么样 在标准状况下,1.8克水中所含的中子数? 在做浮力实验时小华用一根细线将一正方形铁块拴住,完全浸入盛满水的圆柱形烧杯中,并用一量筒量得溢出的水%D%A I think the short novels _______ by Lu Xun are very popular _______ the adults .A.are written ; for B.are written ; among C.written ; among D.written ; for 答案是c为什么不是B?被动语态嘛 I think the short novels------by Lu xun sre very popular the adulesI think the short novel by Lu written xun sre very popular the adulesthink和are怎么有两个谓语动词? 请用“高山流水”和“春风得意”造句请具体些,最好优美,25-40字之间, a book of very short stories 是什么东西 18克重水中有多少个中子?怎么计算希望简洁明了一些, quickly ran to 用“高山流水”造句 The robber ran__ the field and drave away quickly A through B across D through Across the crowd the little boy ran very quickly across the grass这句中quick为什么加LY,very是动词吗?加ly不是变副词吗?副词修饰动词吧 What did you do yesterday Bob?I () to see a friend of mine,but in the end I () at home doing nothing at all.went;stayed/was going to;stayed/had gone;had stayed/would go;had stayed (1)What'p___'well-behaved'children! His children are well-behaved,while_of his sister are rude.A.that B.the oneC.thoseD.onesD为什么错了? he has mastered the art of giving nothing away in interviews. 初二学生,英语句子结构等地方不懂怎么办?比如宾语从句,谓语,宾语,系动词,表语,状语,及物动词,不及物动词,物主代词,形容词性物主代词,名次性物主代词,表语,谓语动词,宾语从句系列(what引 behind "于"词组都有哪些 碳氮比(C/N)对微生物代谢途径的影响是什么?有个问题想弄明白,希望那个朋友知道告诉哈啊o(∩_∩)o., RT 电与磁的区别 电和磁有什么不同 请简述电与磁的差别 请问下艾默生电源工程师待遇是怎么算的,大概能有多少?如果是办事处招的是不是会少一点,大概有多少? 世界上最威力最大的手机是什么,为什么? 谁有艾默生电源工程师的笔试题, 求张先写的《清平乐》整首词的赏析!清平乐(大石调)  屏山斜展.帐卷红绡半.泥浅曲池飞海燕.风度杨花满院.  云情雨意空深.觉来一枕春阴.陇上梅花落尽,江南消息沈沈. (2011•广州)某校“我与化学”活动小组通过查舞资料了解到,我国超市每年消耗约40万吨塑料袋.假定这些使用后的废塑料袋都通过焚烧处理.将排放大量CO2.该活动小组用下图所示装 3—18:the trail of non-biodegradable litter international tourists leave behind them and the vast amount of fossil fuel consumed in transportation pose grave environmental threats to the tourist destinations and beyond. 想问: 1—the t