
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 16:16:29
matlab 实现门函数卷积syms tt=-40:0.01:40;g1=[(t>0)&(t-5)&(t plotVectors must be the same lengths.正确的应该怎样改?用了ruifengcao 老师的答案却出现了Error using ==> convToo many input arguments. 英语翻译A genius in a particular subject should be admitted to a college even if/her total score in College Entrance Examination doesn’t meet the minimal requirement. 英语翻译“这些天我要回老家一段时间,在此期间,我希望暂时不要和我联系,因为我不方便.等我回来的时候在联系!” 翻译的时候请一定要语气委婉,尽量不要让听的人感觉到不舒适. 英语翻译In fact ,anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. what do you need for school?中为什么要用for? 水浒传的各个人物故事 that is(our)classroom.(就括号部分提问) Our classroom is _eihgt meters_ wide.(就画线部分提问) I have----- -------- this idea,but we need time to achieve it我并不反对这个想法,但我们需要时间来实现它. 古文中【于】有几种意思? 用form have a good time in beijing the Great Wall have a holiday Chinese写英语明信片 家长如何帮助孩子提高英语成绩 怎样帮助孩子提高英语成绩? 桃花源记这个文言文怎么写 we are full of c____ in the face of danger一道首字母填空题 单选 1.Mr.Smith always has -----to tell us.A.some good pieces of news B.some pieces of good news为什么要在pieces 前面加good! Mr.smith always has some good news to tell us.A.so he does B.so does he.C.so he is D.so is he our classroom is small (同义句) 还有:do you have a ( ) one? 1.Our classroom is too small to hold 65students(同义句)Our classroom is ____ small ____ it____hold 65 students.It's hard for him to change his mind(同义句)————_____ his mind ______ easy for him.It seems that he looks a bit thinner Our classroom is so small that it can't hold 80 students.(改为同义句)Our classroom is____small____hold 80 students. 为什么如何应对孩子的青春期逆反心理? 青春期男孩子有逆反心理父母怎么进行沟通, 青春期有逆反心理是正常的,所以我们可以顶撞父母.判断:( )理由: 青春期逆反心理?以前常做错事,爸妈也总斥责我,但我以前都是不说话,默默地忍耐,而这一年(我17)不知怎么了,我学会了犟嘴,他们骂过来我就会回应过去,我心里很明白妈妈更年期要体谅,可 水浒传 人物与事件几个重要的人物与他们各自的故事(故事情节至少3个 ,外加4-5句话概括故事的经过和结果 .) 我是男的,字写得很不好,有什么办法让我写字好看吗 三峡试题为什么作者写水不按照春夏秋冬四季更替的顺序写? 要准确性高点的I know that i am running,But i do not know:iam running to what or 求加边旁是什么字 “共” 加边旁是什么字?快,三个 meet sb’s meet one's need 什末意思速回