
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/20 16:24:19
粤语的揸粒、粒添是什么意思 Helen pulled up carrots on Monday对画线部分提问,画线:on monday Helen has sixlessons every Monday.一般疑问句 和“前人栽树,后人乘凉.”、“各人自扫门前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜.”意思相近的谚语, on monday 特殊疑问句快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快快 解答 The computer programs are a puzzle to me.The more I think of them,the more questions I think of _.A.asked B.to ask C.being asked D.to have been asked答案解析 The computer programs are a puzzle to me……The computer programs are a puzzle to me.The more I think of them.the more questions I think 0f ______.A.ask B.asked C.being asked D.to ask为什么选D. 广东话求助:原句是:有仔唔识沟,正一猪氹兜. 广东话骂人词语[猪兜] 的书面语是什麼? 在广东话中的“猪兜”是什么意思啊?很好奇啊! 猪兜系什么意思 怎么练粤语发音啊,我最近喜欢上了《不如不见》这首歌,想学唱啊,但是不会粤语. 怎么样才可以练好粤语,这东西有教学吗? The US government has never said that these reports are true.是宾语从句吗 从句是 has never said that these reports are true还是别的 it is said that our government has made a____to control the house price in Zhengzhou.A suggestionB question C solutionD decision 粤语 括蟹揸波 什么意思 It was said that the government___a program on environment接上面 protection the next week.A.is starting B.start C.started D.was starting 粤语:好耐无揸过我部车啦. 英语翻译+NOTWITHSTANDING ARTICLE 16 OF UCP600,INTHE EVENT THAT DOCUMENTS ARE PRESENTED TO US WITH DISCREPANCIES,WE WILL FORWARDDOCUMENTS ARE PRESENTED TO US WITH DISCREPANCIES,WE WILL FORWARD DOCUMENTS TOTHE DOCUMENTARY CREDIT ISSUING BANK FOR AP 音标是/fut/,/put/,/tɔ:k/,/trip/,/laik/,的单词是什么 trip是旅行吗 信用证英语翻译,且LC中对快递公司可以提要求吗?信用证中78写的,首先是什么意思,另外这种要求是否合理?all documents must be couriered to us ..in one lot by DHL courier service immediately after negotiation.negotiat If you keep doing this,Jack,I'll tell it to the teacher.I'm ___ ,you know.A.worriedB.carefulC.seriousD.intereted 的平衡 英语怎么说 ___Tom___Jack has worked out the maths problem.I don't know when they will work it out.如题.选项:A.Both;and B.Neither;nor C.Either;or D.Not only;but also What has Jack been doing recently?-----I don't know,__care.A.nor I do.B.nor do I.C.neither am I.D.neither I am 谁来帮忙把这些繁体字改成简体?鎭鍀垚髣迄閁?偓醭鱌.卧秪飨尛尛惪侃赭遝!闱遝凫亍.偓咎葅彀!~~~~~~~这是火星文没错. 是我打错了.但是谁懂这句话是什么意思? 这句英语"Object moved to here"说的是什么意思? move to... 空间运输联系修正的英文翻译 用广东话怎么说..随便那都可以去啊...不是没地方..只是你不想去而已 “随便”广东话怎么说?