
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/30 22:39:15
L must spare no efforts to do my bit I spent two hours in doing my homework yesterday这是一道求同义句的英语题目,希望过程要完整, It spent 3 hours doing my homework yesterday,的同义句 若双曲线x方/a方-y方/b方=1(a>0,b>0)的离心率为根3,则其渐近线方程是? to spare是什么用法及意思,在句子中啥成分we have an hour to spare,是嘛意思 spare在此句子中的意思原句:The storm appeared to spare satellite and power systems as it shook the Earth’s magnetic field Thursday.问:请问此句子中特别是spare是啥意思啊? mary dances better than all ofAthey Bthem Cwe Helen dances better than other all the girls.这是一道连词成句的题,我这样做对吗?要是不对该怎样改,为什么? 求双曲线y=3/x与直线y=1/3x的交点坐标 已知双曲线x^2-y^2=4,讨论直线l:y=k(x-1)与这条曲线的交点的个数. spare no pains to 有没有spare more effort to do这种用法?越快越好,come on 求旅鼠之谜这篇课文给我们的启示要四个 在旅鼠之谜一文中,除了人口问题,我们还能获得哪些启示 试确定直线y=x 1与双曲线x2-y2=1交点的个数 I spent ten hours doing the work yesterday.改同义句It _____ _____ten hours_____ _____the work yesterday. I spent three and a half hours doing my work.(改同义句)I spent ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ doing my work. 直线y=1/2(x-7/2)与双曲线:x^2/9-y^2=1,交点个数有几个?Rt 已知双曲线y=5/x与直线y=x-7有一交点为(a,b),求a/b+b/a的值 那天清晨落叶满地,两条路都未经污染中的“污染”本是一个贬义词,用在这里合适么 若点P(1,1)为圆(x-3)^2+y^2=9的弦MN的中点,则弦MN所在直线方程为 连词成句:dance,than,Helen,the,better,girls,all,other(.)The butterflies are beautiful.(改为感叹句) reads,than,she,other,better,all,the,students(.)连词成句 The girl dances better than the boy .The girls dance than the boys .变为复数时,为什么dances变单数. 填空If you keep practice ___ (speak)English every,you ___ (become)better and better. 用120厘米的铁丝做成一个长方形,长与宽比是3∶2求长和宽 已知有理数a,b满足条件a>0,b<0,比较a,b,-a,-b的大小 C²-根号c-1=0的解 已知三次根号a=4,且(b-2c)²-√c-3=0,求三次根号a+b3+c3的值 今天晚上天安门放烟花吗?历年大年三十放吗?想看烟花去哪看 地铁 交通等如常吗 你知道今天晚上要放烟花吗 翻译 今晚为啥放烟花?