
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 02:08:45
Up every day Forbidden love!To learn every day! scott has to learn (dance) every day急! 为什么会有2次game point we have two more()(point)to win the game.按适当形式填空 The coach was ____the point of giving up the game when our team scored two points?[A] to [B] at [C] on [D] in It makes me happy for many days.它使我开心了好几天 ./〕 男rup onetwothreefour 男女英语合唱很优美 很安静 非常好听 the monkey is so_____(fun)and makes us______(laugh)_____(happy) 公私合营这种机制要盈利所需要付出的代价 Being seen makes us happy and dressing is The story is ____(fun).It makes us very happy.用所给单词的适当形式填空.这题应该填 fun 还是 funny ,顺便问一下两者的区别.谢谢. 这是什么车? 我们要为我们所做的付出代价吗? 请问这是什么车?品牌跟型号! 新概念2册句子分析However, they have decided to use the post-office. Letters will cost a litt1e more,but they will certainly travel faster.请高手从1:句子成分 2:句子时态 3:固定搭配等几方面来分析一下.Letters will Who sold the car?改为被动句whom was the car sold by或by whom was the car sold?这样对吗 《My favorite restaurant》英语作文,15句, 求新概念2册句子分析 lesson24He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.请分析interrupted是 动词(打断)+ed,还是形容词(中断)?整句话的时态?固定用法? 英语标点,那个,后面没有说话的句子了,为什么还要用逗号?中文中貌似是不用的,英文呢? 请问中海油化学股份有限公司待遇怎么样(特指内蒙那地)?是测控专业的毕业生,想去中海石油化学股份有限公司,在内蒙的(天野厂区),不知待遇怎么样? Are your friends watching TV做否定回答 英语翻译格式是这样的Movt Philippines Band China请问该如何翻译是手表外包装上的,感觉二楼的回答差不多 关于逗号的使用Many parents and students feel that education should be paid for by the government.However,others feel that it is the parents' resposibility to provide for their sons and daughter.这里的however应该是一个连接词(连接 逗号怎么使用 His sister talks with Mike in English哪里错了? 中海油化学公司现在的效益怎么样啊? 英语翻译No one thought they would win the gold medal .No one 可以用谁替换?原句为:China's tennis pair Li Ting and Sun Tiantian took part in the women's doubles in the Athens Olympic Games on August 22,2004. 英语翻译不是我输入的问题,我在外国新闻网站直接复制下来的啊。再说这也没有一句话俩动词啊?哪个是俩啦,我怎么没看出来啊? 英语翻译2.翻译:我的手表只保修一年.必须用guarantee missing ; before statementon error resume nextIf isIE Then If Not(IsObject(CreateObject("JavaWebStart.IsInstalled"))) Then javawsInstalled = false Else javawsInstalled = true End IfEnd If body,ul,li { margin:0; padding:0; }ul ,li { list-style:none; }.cl:after { content:"."; display:block; height:0; clear:both; visibility:hidden; }.cl { zoom:1; }.frame { margin-bottom:10px; border:1px solid #e1e1e1; background:#FFF; }.title { padding:0