
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 15:07:51
下列过程属于物理变化的是( ) A煤的燃烧 B冰融化成水 C蜡烛燃烧 D食物变质 碘酊是碘酒吗 碘酊就是碘酒吗? 台湾地形特征 ( ),山区面积广大,气候夏季高温多雨,冬季低温少雨,河流( ),),植被( ).岛上盛产粮食作物为( ),水果有( ),( ),主要种植于( )部的平原,( )最为有名,( )产量位居世界首位,著名旅游景点( the question is so difficult that I can't answer it.同义句他的同义句是The question is too difficult for me to answer.为什么第一句要在answer后面加上it? The question is so difficult that no one can answer it.改为同义句 the question is so difficult that we can't answer it.(同义句) The question is so difficult that nobody can answer it The question is so difficult that nobody can answer it 风是看不见的,我们可以通过什么来感觉到有风吹过?电流通过灯泡时,灯丝变热而发光,这是电流的什么效应? The question is too hard.Not ______ can answer it.(nobody\ anyone \ everyone) 高压锅正常使用有几个大气压? this question is very hard,i can't answer it(改未同义句) 高压锅 能加到几个大气压使用压力锅,压缩二氧化碳入水形成碳酸可以吗 the question is too hard .n( )can answer it.i waited for Brian to r( ),but he said nothing. The is very hard.I can't answer it.A.problem B.question C.matter D.thing 自行车前轮后轮摩擦 骑自行车和推车时,前轮和后轮与地面产生的摩擦骑自行车时,前轮和后轮都是向后的滚动摩擦吗?推车时,前轮是向后的滚动摩擦吗?为什么?后轮是向哪的什么摩擦?推车时,后轮是向哪的什么摩 香蕉的含什么营养元素? 台湾的地理? 地理——台湾台湾岛在我国的海洋交通运输方面有什么重要价值? this question is too _____(hardly);I can't answer it. 香港澳门台湾地理介绍香港澳门台湾地理介绍 This question is very difficult.I can't answer it.This question is ___ difficult ___me ___answer. This question is e___.I can answer it.(谁能告诉我填什么 This question is difficult,I cannot answer it(用too.to结局 ) This question is too difficult.___can answer it.A.no one B.nonenone no one 都是可以用来表示人的,为什么不是选none 而是选on one呢? 初三填空.速度~~电灯甲的功率是60瓦,表示通过该灯丝的电流在1秒钟( )1.电灯甲的功率是60瓦,表示通过该灯丝的电流在1秒钟( ),1秒钟内有( )的电能转化为热能和光能.如果电灯乙的功率是40瓦 将标有220V 40W的灯泡接在200V的电路中,灯泡消耗的实际功率 额定功率如果该灯泡发光5小时消耗多少电能 电灯的功率是40瓦特,表示电流在_____秒钟内有40____的__能,转化成热能和光能.解释一下好吗?谢谢!为什么有答案是10焦耳电会不会这个答案是错的? 热机效率总小于一,是因为燃料燃烧释放出来的内能通过哪些途径损失? It's hard (answer)the question 适当形式heavy的比较级?