
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 08:12:24
节约一度电的广告词 应用题:500家家庭每家每月节约1度电,一年就可以多少千克碳的排放? 设f(x)与g(x)是定义在R上的两个函数,x1,x2是任意两个实数(1)若|f(x1)+f(x2)|≥|g(x1)+g(x2)|恒成立,且f(x)是奇函数,判断函数g(x)的奇偶性并说明理由 C语言打印空心等腰三角形要求输入三角形的高度,然后输出“*”构成的空心等腰三角形! 已知a²+ab=3,b²+ab=7,试求a²-ab-2b² c语言编程:编程输出n行图形.(n值通过键盘输入)示例输入:6输出: a bcd efghi gklmnop qrstuvwxyzabcdefghij 用C语言编程:从键盘输入N,输出一个由*组成的边长为n的正六边形,我要空心和实心的两个,编2个程序. 从键盘输入整数n(n C 语言打印等腰三角形小弟做的一个三角形 他就打印一次*----------------------------* 然后就没下文了 5555void main(){int i,j,n;printf("please enter data");scanf("%d",&n);for(i=1;i 请问高压计量表怎么看用多少度电啊! c语言使用函数打印等腰三角形 初三英语中考点拨训练的题,he was late for school as a r____ of the heavy snow.the students m____ hand in their homework on timeBen is taking a long vacation to Sanya this winter(改为同义句Ben____ _____ _____ ______a long vacation to 初三英语中考总复习练习题,1.There aren't any---------(warn) for us not to cross the street over there.2.He looks cool------that fur coat,but i don't think it will look-----meA.on;lovely in B.in;nice on C.on;beautiful in D.in;nice in3.The g 感激不尽!快中考啦,1 My neighbour often gave me a hand in time of trouble,(which/it ) was very kind of them2 (Once/Unless) you understand the rule,you will have no further difficulty.3 Whoever telephons ,(tell/to tell ) him i'm not in.4 I want ①—Stephen,did you visit Nanjing Confucius Temple the day before yesterday?—No,I didn’t go there as you told me.______,I went to Jiming Temple with my parents.A.Instead \x05B.Also \x05\x05\x05C.Otherwise \x05D.However 这题应该选A,请问 求教几道初三英语 中考训练 这是最后一次查缺补漏!1.What happened to him ___the snowy evening ten day ago?A.in B.on C.at D.of我判断不出是否具体日期 在in和on之间纠结(倾向于on)2.Where's John?He's gone to the_____. 一个C语言设计题目,一个倒立的等腰三角形第一行九个E,第二行七个D,以此类推,最后一行一个A,是个倒立的等腰三角形int main (){int i ,j ,k=0;for(i = 5 ; i>=1 ; --i){k = 0 ;for(j = 2*i -1 ; j>=1; j-=2){printf("%c" 2013年绵阳中考英语第六题2013年绵阳中考英语单选第六题Hurry up,________ you will be able to catch the flight in time.A.if B.but C.or D.and我觉得应该选D 怎么所有答案都是选C 让我们来回顾一下2013年甘肃兰州的中考经典的英语题吧.(2013·兰州)13.He hasn't watched the movie "So Young" ,has he?——______.He told me it is very moving and interesting ,he 'd like to watch it again.A.Yes ,he hasB.Yes,h 竹子分几种颜色? 秋天的竹子是什么颜色的急用! 若b分之a等于三分之二.则5a减4b分之a加b等于多少 已知a,b,c属于正实数,求证,(bc/a)+(ac/b)+(ab/c)>=a+b+c第二问:a+b+c=1,求证:根号a+根号b+根号c 已知a,b,c都是实数,求证:a^2+b^2+c^2≥1/3(a+b+c)^2≥ab+bc+ac 初三英语语法点找30个初三的语法点,短一点,如SO....THAT 意思:.... neither ...nor...和either...or...的用法 句子My friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun.中 为什么最后的have要用动词ING形式 海尔1.5p变频空调打到28度,一晚上按10小时计算,大概用多少度电?(直接给数字)不用告诉我说看电表什么的,直接说数字.本人数学和物理都很烂,麻烦把公式写出来就更好了~ 1.5p空调一小时几度电变频的 夏季 制冷 调的25度 室外气温基本就32左右 寻找2008北京市海淀区化学二模答案, 2009年北京宣武区初三二模物理答案 5a加[2-4a]=0