
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:47:07
the key to the door is missing这句话谁是主语,谁是定语.句子成分分析一下 I lose the key to the door.请问I lose the key to the door的中文是什么?还有I lose the key to the door与I lose the key of the door.它们有哪些不同?它们的意思相同么?key to the door是固定搭配么?它的中文是什么啊 与The key to the door.相关的短语? Rose is about her children.A.worry B.worried C.worries 什么叫旋转、平移、轴对称? 主要是电阻和电功的应用和公式(变形公式)化学上半学期的化学方程式和化学方程式的计算那块 初二和初三的物理哪些是难点? 高中选修3-1的物理题——重难点手册上的真空中有一直径为R的带电圆盘,圆心为O,圆盘外有A、B两点,其连线过圆心O点且与盘面垂直,若OA=AB=R,有一电荷在A点受带电圆盘的力为F,则它在B点时的受 初三 化学 物理 数学 重难点(四年制) the old man in blue coat ____.A.look worried B.looks worriedC.looked worries D.looks worrying the key to the door是否可以还原为the key which is to the door the old man looks 什么(worry)急 he looks very ( ) A,worry B,worries C,worried D,worrying 这四个选哪个,还有语法 The man looks o____sixth years old.应该是sixty.I'm so sorry! 人教版九年级英语单词 +课文听力下载mp3格式的能显示单词. 求人教新目标九年级英语单词课文听力MP3,音质好点的. From the __(happy) on his face ,we will knew that he failed the exam. I ----- from his face that he ----bad news.A.had seen,receivedB.would see,had receivedC.could see,receivedD.could see,had received You cantell from the < > on his face that he didn't do very well in the exam?A.communication B.appearanceC.feeling D.expression What is fairly clear, from the release of hydrogen and the fission products, is that all of these r请问如何翻译?What is fairly clear, from the release of hydrogen and the fission products, is that all of these reactors have probably had fuel ro 当a,b是几时,多项式aa+bb-4a+6b+18有最小值?并求出这个最小值 aa+bb-4a+2b+5=0 ab=? Tom is at the door of the classroom.He can o_____it. this is the key __the door,don't lost itto for with about4选一 初中水平数学题小学做,求助!帮忙,列式,得数都要,答不用了.(废话)方程算术都行.最好说明理由题目:甲、乙、丙、丁共有钱若干,已知甲有的钱是其余三人原有钱总数的1/3,乙有的钱数是其 a key to the door//to可以换成is吗? 九寨沟的镜海中有着"鱼在天上飞,鸟在水中游"的美丽奇观,这水中看到的"鱼"是由于光的____形成的___像;"鸟'是由于光的___形成___像. 大哥大姐帮帮忙物理题 据《杭州日报》报道,在一把小小的弹簧测力计面前,庞大的大象不情愿地露出了它的体重.6月22日,老天下起了瓢泼大雨,勇敢的“突击手”在克服了诸多不利的自然因素 物理题,大哥大姐们帮帮忙一个质点从A点开始由静止以加速度a做匀速加速直线运动,通过B点时立即改做加速度大小也是a的匀减速直线运动,到C静止,AB=X,则此质点从A到C的平均速度为-----?过程要 ---you----something? a.Do,worried b.Are,worried c.Are,worry d.Are,worried about An object of mass m = 6.05 kg has an acceleration a = (1.17 m/s2)x + (-0.664 m/s2)y.Three forces act on this object:F1,F2,and F3.Given that F1 = (2.96 N)X and F2 = (-1.55 N)x + (2.05 N)y,find F3.F3=( )X + ( )Y? I worry about you和I'm worried about you有什么区别?worry和worried都能做形容词那有什么区别呢?