
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 14:03:06
AI的这种效果怎么做出来?上图也不是描边也不是放大 就是字体周围有放大的 但是可以一起渐变···下图··我做不出来啊? Will you stand by me ,please 急 i will stand by I will always stand by you whatever ____ come,if I _____ say.A.will; can B.should; can C.can; 谁能解释下我听,我不动为啥选DD.may,may go to和have gone to,have been to的区别 英语翻译in spite of numerous efforts,we are unable to teace all copyrighe holders,we shoula like to apologise for the infringement of copyright so caused and will be happy to make appropriate arrangements at the first oppropriate. 英语翻译Well,I think it’s both an artand science.You can prepare for a negotiationquite scientifically,but the execution of the negotiation has quite a lot to do with one’s artistic quality.The scientific part ofa negotiation is in determinin 英语翻译A scientific team is studying the thinkingability of eleven and half month old children.The test is a simple one.Thebaby watches a sort of show on a small stage.In Act One of the show,a yellowcube is lifted from a blue box,and moved acros 鞋子的英文有采纳 下列英语单词的过去式1.cilmb 2. rain 3. stay 4. shop 5.try 6. count 7.push 8. join 9.augh 10.stop 快一点啊,急! 写出下列英语单词的过去式work stop come like cry BRT公交车是什么意思 是哪几个单词的缩写形式? 小学奥数作业 难! 、某小学四年级有125人参加运动会入场式,他们每5人为一行,前后每行间隔2米.主席台长为32米,他们以每分钟40米的速度通过主席台,他们通过主席台需要( )分钟. 小龙5次测验每次都得84分,小海前4次测验分别比小龙多出1分、2分、3分、4分,那么小海第五次测验至少应得_____分,才能确保5次测验平均成绩高于小龙至少3分.( @+@=a,@-@=b,@*@=c,@/@=d,a+b+c+d=100,@=? 用英语概括《雾都孤儿》的主要内容用英语介绍《雾都孤儿》的主要内容以及各位人物的介绍! 雾都孤儿中的人物简介(英文版) 关于主君的太阳最近朋友介绍我看主君的太阳 听说女的可以看见鬼什么的 吓人么 本人很胆小啊 自己呆着的时候是一点恐怖的东西都不能看 还有上百度看了一下大概内容简介 故事大概感觉 这是什么花 据说开的花是大红色的红边 大绿叶 什么花 据说开的花是大红色的 能不能把主君的太阳开头出现那几个字的声音发给我一下, 9.It is strange that so.9.It is strange that______ so.A.thinkB.thinksC.will thinkD.thoughtplease translate It is strange that he says so.It is strange that such a thing ________in your company.A.happen B.happensC.happened D.has happened这题参考答案是A,在网上查了是It is strange that +should+动词原形 表示奇怪,在句中省略了should, 虚拟语气的问题it is strange thatIt is amazing that he should have learnt so much in such a short time.That he should miss such a golden opportunity!两句话里什么时候用should do什么时候用should have done呢 No matter what happens,I know you'll always be there for me 翻译? No Matter What Happens,I' ll Always Be There for You! 中间红叶,周围绿叶是什么花卉 小花仙的粉色和红色芙蓉花我奇妙六级,在什么时候种才能开出粉色和红色的芙蓉花? 桃花历乱李花香,桃花历乱如何理解 雾都孤儿英语简介tells the story of a tragic story of orphans and experience,the main character Oliver grew up in an orphanage,9-year-old,he was forced into the store to do business apprenticeship,hunger and humiliation muscle forced him to es 红花还得绿叶扶前面一句是什么? 夏天有哪些花盛开再加一些描写这些花的片段!