
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 20:56:10
希腊神话故事故事名即主人公 音标 /Z/是读日 还是 We are going to buy (some ice creams).(对打括号部分提问) 怎样增加班级荣誉感演讲稿 GGJJ们 叔叔阿姨们 大哥大姐们 行行好吧 帮偶一个小忙 24小时之内写出来 历史上在呼韩邪死后王昭君为什么不能回到大汉王昭君自己愿不愿意回来?还是受王政君做鬼? 日本用英文怎么说(带音标) 为什么王昭君只是宫女却被当作公主远嫁呼韩邪单于?王昭君作为宫女如何被封为公主的?匈奴人知道她原来只是个宫女吗? 新加坡种族和谐日的英文和音标介绍就不用了,介绍了我不选,我只要英文,和音标. 英语音标[r]的发音是更像“日”还是更像“若”? 普罗米修斯忍受着巨大的痛苦,难道他后悔了吗?改为陈述句 普罗米修斯为什么不向宙斯屈服 新概念2 20 21 22课课文 the making of the film was fraught with problems and there were times that the director thought he 谁能帮我解释下这个句子所用的语法 the making of the film was fraught with problems and there were times that the director thought he wou may queen结局是什么? I like travelling.I'd like to _China填什么 may queen 的结局是什么? It’s a map ___China.We like to ___the map to learn about China(1)A see B look C read (2)A of B to C for 选择那一个? May Queen共几集 may queen一共有几集韩剧《may queen》一共有几集啊,每周几更新啊? 为什么师范大学的“师范”译作英语是“normal”? it's high time__about the traffic problem答案是something was done.说是虚拟语气.怎么理解?虚拟语气的哪个语法呢? a lot of 可以用来修饰不可数名词吗?请举例. queen So can never expect yourself get your love more than her什么意思 Queen中文什麽意思啊 but for the rush hour traffic,we ---- to the airport an hour earlierA could have got B should have got C could get D should have got 应该填那个那!我弄不懂, rush-hour passengers是什么意思 Buses in the rush hour are ( ) with passengersHave you ()a telephone call to your parents 英语 Buses in the rush hour are ( ) with passengers 可以用filled吗 社会必要劳动时间的两种含义是什么 the Queen of 是Is Jim your friend or her friend还是Is Jim your friend and her friend