
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 23:35:51
我不要一个人的圣诞节,英文怎么说?RT 一个人 英文怎么说 ( )( )( )头 成语怎么填? there( )so many buses on the roads.A.have B.has C.is D.are 为什么? 填空 There are many d____on the wall. 英文题 (Which fish can swim faster than most boats?) Which fish can swim faster than more boats?我要的是回答不是翻译! 回答这个句子: Whish fish can swim faster than most boats? 划线提问(the fish)swim faster than the duck用wwhat animal还是which animal 用英文怎样解释:你真的让我很寂寞? 《我心中的美景》的作文快求你们了 快 我再也不会让你寂寞了用英语怎么说 1.ls an elephant much smaller thana blue whale?2.what's your favourite event?回答一下这2个问题.还有一题:3.which fish can swim faster than most boats? which is the heaviest,a bear ,a whale or an elephant?please answer in English,不是什么IQ题,按实际回答问题.主要想看看回答的语法:是a whale is the heaviest还是The whale is the heaviest? 病句 人行道的一手搀扶,朋友间的一份鼓励,对手间的一丝宽容等,这件件微薄的善举,让我内心感到由衷的温暖 is an elephant much smller than a blue?_______________________________ what's your favourite event回答实际情况 She told me to sat down.为什么to She sat in the w-r- sunshine 你被雇用了吗 用英语如何说你被雇用了吗 用英语是are you hire?还是怎么说 文言文《熟读精思》的译文 What's your favourite event? 在学过的文言词语中,哪些与《熟读精思》中的"余“相同?2-3个,要正确! what's your favourite event?意思 有谁知道古文 熟读精思 拜托哪位大虾出手相助. what's your favourite event? 连词成句;favourite,what's,event,your,like,I,800mthe race 暖和的晴天,木板窗扇打开,光明和空气都有了.(修改病句) 地球的潮汐力为什么会使月球越来越远```?那又怎么保护月球,使其不会最终离开地球? Li Lei sat dawn on his chair and () his book to read A get upB got out Cgot to D got out of He sat on the chair and imagined how to [ ](fix)up his broken bike.适当形式填空 在我们学过的文言文中哪些与 熟读精思 中的余字意思相同 天下事有难易乎?为之,则难者亦易矣;不为,则易者亦难矣.人之为学有难易乎?学之,则难者亦易矣;不学,则易者亦难矣.蜀之鄙,有二僧:其一贫,其一富.贫者语于富者曰:"吾欲之南海,何如?" 富