
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:55:48
you are apple of my eyes 《 脂砚斋重评石头记》 中的脂砚斋是 什么 《石头记》又名《红楼梦》谁知道《脂砚斋重评石头记》中的脂砚斋是什么意思吗? My apple are ( )bingger than you 红楼梦中的脂砚斋是谁? 脂砚斋具体介绍, 脂砚斋到底是谁?在红学上,脂砚斋一直是一个神秘之人.他到底是谁呢?应不应揭开他的面纱?还他的本来面目?我想,这应该是广大红学研究者和关心红学事业的人去解决的问题. 脂砚斋评语阅读下面文段,准确摘抄与脂砚斋每条批语相应的语句.黛玉方进入房时,只见两个人搀着一位鬓发如银的老母迎上来,黛玉便知是他外祖母.方欲拜见时,早被他外祖母一把搂入怀中,心 脂评本能够提供我们关于红楼梦后半部分的写作情况? can't breat without you中文翻译 Whenl got my first job and got ____ (pay) 为什么 person who can take care of others是什么意思 英语缺词填空:this was my first day for the job.on Monday joy &peace 一般最低价格是多少 Tear drop by drop,little by little pain,this feeling..这句翻译成中文的正确意思是什么? 英语翻译不要给我写在大堆的单词翻译我看不懂 " a job is a job" a job is a job and if people are offering to help you you shouldn't turn them down.you need to start somewhere and as soon as you have one job it makes it easier to get another,better,job.请帮我翻译下全部这几句话的意 He is c_____ badly because he has a cold He is s____now because he has a bad cold 三个我不懂的英语题(1)In our lives we need to ______on many things,such as on our families,careers and so on..A.beieve in B.make choice (2)改病句It is said that the mayor will give out the prizes to the sportsmen.(3)改病句He saw peo 晋察冀边区, 这2题英语题实在不懂,求旁友帮帮忙 We just light another up what!We don’t give a fuck如题 I hope we can stay here all the 求好词好句好诗好段摘抄、每天都要、 求一些好诗,好句 摘抄 好词好句好诗摘抄 we can't w_____ all the time. hello alex,I am from M16 Hello.May Ispeak to jiamin? ?Hello.May Ispeak to jiamin? Speaking. Who’s that,please? It’s Miss Lee here. Hello,Miss Lee.How are you? Iam fine.Thanks.And you? Iam fine,too.Thanks. _____ you like to go to GuangZhou Zoo with me? _______. “风雨同舟”“同心协力”和“南征北战”造个句吧! 请不要学多比大海风暴的企鹅,因为大海不会永远风平浪静;请不要当屋檐下苟且偷生的家雀,因为长空不会永远万里晴朗;————,——————.使它们构成排比句. _____________ you talk so loudly?The baby is asleep.( )a.might c.mustb.would d.could