
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/18 14:16:30
关于托福作文的算分不知道toefl作文怎么算分啊?那个5分是怎么回事?综合写作和独立写作各占30分的多少?如果到时候有语法错误或者拼写(主要是打错)扣分会很严吗?会到什么程度? 孙权劝学 怎样表现人物性格半小时 孙权劝学中是怎样表现人物性格的 孙权劝学 本文是怎样表现人物性格的 开放在生命深处的花朵 Listening to music is r_____.I like it very much. 蒸发的英语单词 蒸发的英语单词怎样拼写 It is said that the cold weather will ( ) two weeks.A.keep B.spend C.last D.include明天就要月考了,这一题还不会,明天就要考英语, ----It is said that a new zoo will be built in our town.---- I’m __________ it.Zoos are terrible----It is said that a new zoo will be built in our town.---- I’m __________ it.Zoos are terrible for animals.A.through B.besides C.against D.except 高手来帮我看一下这篇托福作文能得几分?Though a considerable number of people holding the idea that in order to acquire more knowledge from lessons ,students should spend more than 11 months in class each year ,in my opinion ,such lon 高分求改托福作文!帮我看看大概几分do you agree or disagree with the following statment:the goveenment should require all young adults to performsome kind of national service,such as military service or social work.personally speaking,i 帮我看看这篇托福作文Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible.Other young adults prefer to live with their families for a longer time.Which of these situations do you think is better?With the advance of the 请问大侠 我这托福作文能得几分啊?忘传了 不好意思~再来一遍~ 求看托福作文值几分Increase teacher’s salary for promotingeducation quality?As the society increasingly improves,economics become the key bones of the development of a country.Salaryinevitably becomes a judgment to a person’s work.The mor The playground is wet this morning.It must rain last night.isn't it?为什么 Since the road is wet this morning,---------last night.A it must rain B it must have rainde C it must be raining D it must have been raining 选什么 为什么 一道关于函数单调性和奇偶性的数学题..f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)..f(x*y)=f(x)*f(y)..且当x不等于y时..f(x)不等于f(y)..求证..1..若x>0..则f(x)>0..2..f(x)在R上单调递增.. 请帮我看看我的托福作文把The recent years have seen the profound changes of people life style ,but it is still based on some basic invention by the famous inventors from our history such as Thomas Edison ,who is a very significant inventor 帮我看看托福作文 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Television has destroyed communication among friends and family.正文:The recent years have seen the profound changes of television system ,during which a growing nunbe 谁知道做工程塑料挤出后切的粒子为什么很碎 洗衣粉里的红、蓝色的颗粒是什么,我上班前把白色衣服泡下,回来后发现一片片的红色,洗也洗不掉了我用的奥妙牌的 平行四边形的面积是3.6平方米,与它等底等高的梯形面积是多少? 塑料挤出机加工管材时,干燥剂颗粒入高低压料里不能完全熔化是为什么? while I was doing my homework ,I heard a Strong noise (同义句转换) 四选择填空 16.________make any noise.I’m busy doing my homework..A.Don’t B.Not to C.Not四、\x05选择填空16.\x05________make any noise.I’m busy doing my homework..A.Don’t\x05\x05\x05\x05B.Not to\x05\x05\x05\x05C.Not\x05\x05\x05\x05D. My sister is doing her homework.Please make noise.A.not B.can't C.don't D.didn't 控制某些骨骼肌的神经受到损伤后,下列现象不可能出现的是A.肌肉不能收缩 B.肌肉不能舒张C.关节不能活动 D.肌肉逐渐萎缩 D为x轴和y=sinx(x属于0到pai)所围成,则积分∫ ∫ ydxdy=? 表示批评讽刺的成语 两个表示“批评”的成语:两个表示“赞许”的成语:两个表示“批评”的成语:两个表示“赞许”的成语: 问个奇怪的英语单词!merethy谢谢!原来这不是个英文单词啊,那他代表的意思是什么?谢谢,追分~