
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 01:44:54
什么叫cult电影?简单介绍下? cult是什么意思 想问一下cult片是什么?查了英文字典,cult是‘礼拜’的意思cult片是不是《耶稣受难记》之类的宗教篇的意思? this agreement will become effective as of the date hereof dnd这句话的意思我懂,此协议从即日起生效,哪位老大帮我看看,这个句子结构式怎么回事?尤其是那个effective as of后面直接改成this agreement will become e 英语翻译3.\x05TERM The Agreement shall commence on 1 April 2008 and expire on 1 November 2008 (the “Term”),subject to early termination pursuant to Clause 13.4.\x05OPTION TO RENEW The Association grants ESS the first option and last right of this Agreement shall be effective as of the first date of disclosure of any introduced third partiethis Agreement shall be effective as of the first date of disclosure of any introduced third parties or proprietary or confidential information or the 英语翻译The fact that AFL outsiders such as the AALL had taken the most prominent advocacy roles antagonizedGompers.AFL一个公会名称,AALL 另一个公会名称.这里想问的是 AFL outsiders AFL局外人?AFL和 outsiders之间是什么关 英语翻译关键是 note the fact 和 as it stands怎么理解 译吧I hate it that you're not around,and the fact that you didn't call. 歇后语大全上没有的歇后语填动物如下:()出洞一东张西望 ( )一吃草一吞吞吐吐 ( )屁股一摸不歇后语大全上没有的歇后语填动物如下:()出洞一东张西望( )一吃草一吞吞吐吐( What do you do at the weekends?和How do you spend your weekends?意思一样吗 英语翻译the process of growing from a baby with little personality into an individual with unique qualities is the development of communication. cult 什么意思 You've dropped _____(an/the)"s" in the word "across' you have dropped an s in the word necessary非要是an吗,为什么不可以是the ---You’ve dropped _____ “s’’ in the word “across’’.---Oh,____ letter “s’’ should be doubled like this “across’’.A.a ,a B.an ,a C.an ,the D.the ,the 为什么选C, -You are dropped__________"s"in the word "across". 填空:You're dropped ( )"s" in the word "necessary"括号里填 a 还是 an?不是只有元音字母前才加an吗?怎么又有一个"s"了? He ____ we take the underground there for there are traffic jams on the road.A advices B suggests 选哪个?为什么? 请帮我把这段英文翻译成中文谢谢 ?i nvr blocked any1 from the page..every1 is welcome here..i think 趣味辩论赛辩题 求辩论赛总决赛的题目!要有些趣味性,复制粘贴的题库我不要,没有我想要的那种.所以, 趣味辩论题目求几个 趣味的辩论题目 不用太大 从小事入手就可以 因为使用在大学主持人比赛上的 但要趣味也要有内涵 趣味辩论赛题目我们要举办一场趣味辩论赛,要有趣且有意义!请大家帮帮忙想想符合的辩题. 求有趣味的辩论题 请问电话提醒领导开会怎样措辞呢? 打算拜访一位很忙的领导,初次见面.要发个信息预约一下,请大家帮帮忙看怎么发.要很可以并且措辞严谨的.打错字了,要很客气~ 翻译这一句可以吗?——How do you spend your weekends? 翻译spend the day 用读...读出...读...读出...造句.急用 快 急 1读and读出是做开头像这样 读xxxxxxxx,读出xxxxxxxx.读xxxxxxxx,读出xxxxxxxxx表示话切记 不要复制 用打开…读造句快………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………啊 用捧和读的造句