
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 21:57:58
( ) is your friend,on the sofa or on the chair. 英语翻译非常紧急,,下面的一个客户给我发的邮件,不知道怎么翻译.1、my boot production is already behind schedule because of this stuff up.2、 I can't be stuffed around在下感激不尽! Where are my keys?将答语补充完整.Is the baseball on the sofa?做否定回答 有三到题,有内口半径分别为6厘米和8厘米,高度相等的两个圆柱形容器甲和乙,将装满的甲容器中的水全部倒入乙容器,水深比容器高的7/8还低2厘米,那么容器的高是多少厘米?某人从甲地到乙地, 这三题我不会做 1.She expected her daughter _____ (win) first prize in the speech competition.2.Ninety percent of our classmates agreed _____(choose)Laura as our new monitor.3.my parents are thinking about _____(travel)to boston. 3题怎么做,我不会了谢谢大家 (急)改错题,如下: 1.Who bog is that? 2.Whose is that girl? 3.this book is mine book4.These clothes are her5.Look at the sweater ,it s Lily请大家答的时候在前面加1234 whose bag is this see,the girl by the door.it is----[her]原因呢 用比喻句写一个交代时间的句子 第三题,25又4分之1?我不会 对划线部分提问:The old man is( on the sofa)急.本人一直在线,好的加分 The old man is bill is grandfather 对bill is grandfather提问 Tom's socks are 对on the sofa提问. the man over there is Tom's father?对Tom's 提问 翻译 Paul's new bag is different from Lily's. I t___ this bag is Lily's. The bag is lily's,it's( )括号里应该填什么 this bag is hers.改为同义句 This bag is hers. 为什么要用HERS啊 直接用宾语不行吗 my keys are on the sofa 对划线部分提问 _________ mike is behind the door对划线部分提问 ___l draw pictures on the wall变否定句 Her backpack is on the sofa.对划线部分提问(on the sofa)they have a club.该一般疑问句并作肯定回答For dessert,he likes ice cream改否定句It‘s a pear.改复数句Jane likes carrots.该一般疑问句并做否定回答 英语翻译英国常有的那种双层的 公交车. 1、(2a-3b)(_______)=6aa-5ab-6bb(六乘a的平方,六乘b的平方)2、已知x+5y=6,求x的平方+5xy+30y的值3、已知(x+a)(x+2)=x的平方-5x+b,求a,b的值赶快`上午就要! We want to know ____ bag this is A what B who C who's D whose 直角三角形ABC中,BC=2,AC=6,依下列的步骤抄作折纸.(A)将A,C两点重合 (B)DE为折痕 (C)沿BD折叠 (D)折叠使BC落于BD上 (E)将步骤(D)所得的C点注记为P (1)以上述步骤炒作看可以得到ABC的哪些心?(A)只可以得 ( ) bag is this it's so beautiful.A.Who's B.Whose C.What D.Which 一元一次方程式已知关于x的方程(m+1)x的平方丨m+2丨+3=0是一元一次方程式,求3分之2m的平方-m-2分之m2-m-6分之m2+5m的值 照片中第三十六题, 第三十六题怎么做,谢啦😊 每个给我答题的我都给了好评, 如果不对,该怎么写?