
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 20:45:28
How do you usually go to school?应该怎么回答, 指望的近义词和反义词是什么 成熟的近义词和反义词 得意洋洋的反义词的近义词分别是什么? When are they talking?怎么回答啊————————————? It is impolite to( )others when they are talking. you must和you mustn’t造句各造五个! please translateNever give up when you are trying to change your character for the better but are constantly tempted to go back to your old bad ways.Never give up when you are chasing a piece of business. will never give up when I face any difficuties give up trying too hard,but never give 中国近代外交成果以文章形式,内容别太多,简明些,最好控制在一张A4纸上~ 求一些中国近现代外交史题目的答案合作政策(包括清政府的和列强的)《北京条约》 The baby could hardly speak a word,-------?A.could it B.could the baby C.can it D.couldn't it看到没有could he这个选项真是崩溃了. 英语翻译I want to deepen the small lake depth of 6 meters.For this I need a mini dredge.Price finished dredger high,so try to recruit from the nodes themselves. 英语翻译No failure or delay by the Agency in exercising any right,power or remedy under this Contract will operate as a waiver. 谢的意思是什么 为什么下雪天刹车容易滑倒?滚动摩擦变为滑动摩擦,摩擦力不应该增大吗?为什么减小了? 下雪天怎样不会滑倒? 请谢去.“去”的意思 中国近代外交情况 He hardly ever eats junk food.(改为反意疑问句) 子罕弗受玉译文 求子罕弗受玉译文 用所给动词的适当形式填空 October 1st is an ______________ (usually) day.It’s our National Day“I’ll shoot at __________(somebody) who runs away.” Saddam Hussein shouted ___________(loud).Kitty kept her eyes ____________ (close) bec It's _____October 1 today.It's our National Day.请做以上填空题, What do you want to be when you finsh school 句型转换what do you want to do after you finish school?what do you want to do after you _______ school? We eat_____fruit every day.A、lots ofB、manyC、lot ofD、a lots of请说出原因。 We eat lots of fruit every day.1.提问:()()()()every day?2.一般疑问句:()()()lots of fruit every day?3.用Sandra改写句子4:变成同义句: I eat a lot of f___ fruit every day. 万有引力问题:卫星绕地球轨道是圆,那么它的速度一定为7.9Km/s吗?