
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 09:20:34
Is that true that it's hard to be a person?I don't think so! --------------nice fish they cooked!a.what a b.what a 为什么要用 what a big fish 而不是 how a big fish what fortunate they are=how fortunate they 对于这道题来说还有顺便用简洁的语言讲讲感叹句的用法 文言文 黄耳寒假作业本上的文言文,黄耳陆机少时.黄耳的聪明伶俐具体体现在哪些方面? 黄耳古文原文:陆机少时,颇好游猎.在吴豪盛,客献快犬.名曰:“横耳”.机后仕洛,常将自随.此犬黠慧,能解人语.又尝借人三百里外,犬识路自还,一日到家.机羁旅京师,久无家问,因戏犬曰:“ 文言文翻译 选自黄耳 谢谢!帮帮忙!陆机少时,颇好猎. 文言文 黄耳冢犬掉尾喜.其中的“掉”读chuo吗? 翻译time goes quickly 为什么觉得时间过得好快 time goes quickly! d like to get store credit for that amount有人帮忙翻译下吗 英语翻译不是信用证的意思,好像是指要某某公司付钱?我搞不清楚到底是别人付给某某公司还是某某公司付钱给别人? issue credit We are more than happy to either issue you a credit for the order or send you a replacement order.能帮我翻译一下么?不是很明白.We are more than happy to either issue you a credit for the order or send you a replacement order.If we send a 英语翻译In our life,we don’t often expressed our gratitude(感激) to the one who’d lived those years with us. 一篇元旦晚会的英语作文.12.31 我校在校体艺馆举办了迎新晚会,在晚会上,全校师生同台表演(唱歌、跳舞、演小品、话剧等).假定你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则100-120词的 元旦就要到了,学生会打算为元旦晚会招聘一些学生参加节目表演,下面就请你为学生会写一则海报.英语作文:开头结尾已给出.Students Wanted for the New Year PartyPlease call Linda at 216-8724. 英语翻译关于旅游的英语作文 Last summer,my family and I went to Hawaii for a holiday!We flew across the Pacific to the tiny island from Beijing.After we booked into a hotel,we rested.Our fun started the next day and lasted for two long we we know that leifeng is our good e_____ 英语翻译在生活中,我们应该与他人友好相处.我的建议是:当我们遇到陌生人时应该礼貌的打招呼,当我们和朋友发生争吵时,要主动承认错误,当别人帮助我们时,我们应该主动感谢他.总之,我 英语翻译尽可能不要有语法错误,大致的内容如下(可修改)我来到日本已经1个月了.在此期间我已游玩了很多地方.在这么多的地方中,我最喜欢的就是东京的迪斯尼乐园.它很大也很漂亮,是个 we all know that colour can a____ our moods. 英语翻译翻译这几句 :今天是母亲节,李华和爸爸商量要为妈妈做事,他们开始做家务,然后做饭,最后做了一桌丰富的饭 中间也可以加内容 非洲的单词怎么写 作文那段美好的时光 英语翻译三年前报名了宁波大学专升本会计学,在之后的日子里,不论天气恶劣或是其它原因都坚持去上课,把老师讲的东西听进去,有空的时候再看看书和笔记,把每一次作业都认真完成,并在考 i read books puickly time when goes 连词成句1.i read books puickly time when goes (.)2.she pend likes to time reading on weekends (.)3.have to Center Street cross you to to get the park (.) 作文那一段美好的时光初三 作文那一段美好的时光 Just got call from USA ,the dimension of 3 way coiled cord samples was m=not per print ,pls have SH make 6 more sample to send asap and must be per printconfirm when can be shipped帮忙翻译急 what kind of rules do you have in your office?well,we have pretty_rules这里是填relaxing or relaxed似乎两者都行,答案是ed的,意为放松的规矩,ing的意为令人放松的规矩,都行啊,为什么选A呢,以后我怎么判断? 沉浸、回眸、凯旋、殉难、叮嘱、了如指掌、邀请、一如往日、泣不成声 解释词语