
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 13:44:56
Resurrect the dead and bury the living. for the dead and the living we must bear witness 这句话有关于二战时期的holocaust.犹太屠杀 "For the dead and the living,we must bear witness."- Elie Wiesel 为什么学外语的女生都长得挺好看的,特别是英语好的 人要学外语吗学第二种语言没有多大用处 看书还是用母语看的话非常方便 用外语看书太分辨不清了 真不知道大家都学外语干什么用 女生学外语有优势吗?学什么语比较有发展呢? 什么样性格的人适合学外语? 出国对学外语的人真的那么重要吗? I feel very___(sleep),because I'm too tired. Feel very tired to sleep,good nig ht! l feel very tired.(对very tired提问 I feel very tired.为什么不用tire.如果是疑问句是do you feel tire?还是tired.这里very tired是什么句子成分?谢谢先回答的两位朋友.但是状语一般不都是副词吗?tire为什么在这里不能当名词看.tire可以是 do we have english everyday怎么回答 岛上的坟墓 CRYPT OF THE LIVING DEAD怎么样 tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living.是什么意 today改一个英文字母变另一个单词 The ceremony is not for the___of the dead,but for the comfort of the living.A sake B purpose C respect D impression还有一个题:iam going to buy( ) furniture,will you come along?A a small number ofBone or two pieces of The house_ Window faces south is forThe house_ Window faces south is for the doctor.A.which B.That 英语字母中既是字母又是单词的是哪个? 银魂第 72话 结野亚奈的宠物狗名字叫“Last Of Mohican living of the dead Macguffin”到底是什么意思阿 银魂第 72话 结野亚奈的宠物狗名字叫“Last Of Mohican living of the dead Macguffin”到底是什么意思 定语从句疑难!I live in a room whose window faces to the south.为什么这里的whose不能改成of which? He lives in the house,the window___faces south. 答案为 of which 为什么应填此答案 I live in a room of which the window faces to the south.这句对吗 四大文明古国是哪些?有说法是古中国、古埃及、古印度、古巴比伦(四个都加“古”);也有中国、古埃及、古印度、古巴比伦(因为其他的没落了,所以加“古”,中国不加);还有古中国 copy(dist.begin(),dist.end(),ostream_iterator(cout," ")); cout begin is just an end 谁能告诉我这句英文是什么意思 高中英语语法精讲精练(八) 名词性从句和状语从句223.The class went on with the story ______ they had left it before A.where B.which C.in which D.when24.Would you like to have a break _______ shall we go on with the work?A.and B.then -----What are the a_____ of the house,-----It faces south and it is the cheapest of the three 填空:The house ( ) window faces north is for the doctorA.whichB.thatC.whoseD.of which the house___window faces south is for the doctor.a.which b.that c.whose d.of which To sleep at least eight hours every day is very necessary for the students 同义句改写2种it's very —— —— the students —— —— at least eight hours every dayit's very —— —— the students —— at least eight hours every day 是it's necessary for us to sleep for 8 hours 还是is' necessary for us to sleep 8 hours? It is very important to get e___ sleep every day to keep healthy.