
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 13:54:36
Li how can I contact you here?Your parents or do you shut up anyone who can help me find her,grad Thank you for your help to find the museum.Thank you for helping me to find the museum.这两个句子的表达有问题吗 doing exercise every day makes me prtty fit.中为什么填mdke的单三呢 什么牌子的牛初乳好?究竟什么是牛初乳?新西兰的牛初乳怎么样 good health 牛初乳是什么 牛初乳新西兰进口的最好吗 百益康的牛初乳是新西兰进口的吗 什么是马太效应?请详细点,最好举一个列子 XXX真有趣 写个作文 500字 有谁知道“天空未留痕迹,鸟儿已经飞过”的完整篇 天空未留痕迹,鸟儿却已飞过诗展示的是怎样画面形象 抒发的是什么样的感情希望能够提供的详细点 doing morning exercise加不加S The most hypocritical people who hate other people bother me! 是什么意思 咏怀古迹(其三)中诗人用深情的笔触诉说王昭君的经历,他在其中寄托了什么样的感情? 咏怀古迹其三昭君何来怨恨之说 These are my shirts.It's mine.这句话中那个单词错了? These are my books.用mine替换my急~-- Don’t forget it’ll be the first time ____ in public.A.I’ve spoken B.I shall speak C.I will speak D.I speak 分析下.. These are my brother's ties and shirts对my brother's进行提问 改错 These are her videos tapes急 萧郎成路人出自什么典故?权豪势要之家为何称为“侯门”?又是出自何处? 萧郎路人,蓬山路远 不要复制粘贴,尽量简洁.简洁 咏怀古迹赏析 咏怀古迹其四的具体赏析,要一句一句的 咏怀古迹其三赏析总体评价,不超过100字 are these oyanges?做否定回答 are these elephants?(做肯定、否定回答) Are these pigs 作否定回答如题 it's my pleasure to know 知道的说下. 英语翻译2.Once the balance is lost a person's body,he will get ill.3.I doubt whether the news is really true.4.I forgot to remind him of the time for the interview.5.Colorful umbrellas add to the lively atmosphers in the summer streets.6.No matte -- don't smoke any more lt'a bad for your health -- l'm trying to --- lt's really hard you knowa\ turn it onb\ put it offc\ give it upd\ take it out说理由! I seemed to you really know nothing 是什么意思 You really know how to respect