
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:16:28
一张桌子售价80元,比一把椅子售价的3倍多5元,设这把椅子售价为X元如何列方程 一张桌子的售价是238元,比一把椅子售价的3倍少2元,则一把椅子的售价是 --- more word and expression and you will find it easier to read and communicate填know还是knowing 一把椅子售价x元,比一张桌子售价的5分之1少y元,(x+y)/5分之1-x表示 when you find a new word,write down the phrase ( ) is in.Neverwrite a single word.A another B other C one D it可是 a new word 不是特指啊 应该是泛指啊! 中国有几大菜系 英语 because of their importance,(后面是一句话)这个表达有误吗,是不是应用because就行了? 英文翻译He runs the team because he commands their respect.He runs the team because he commands their respect. The kids really look to him.command 这里怎么译? 英语翻译It is because locusts change their colours together with the change their colous together with the change of the colours ofcros.英语翻译 英语翻译It is because locusts change their colours together with the change their colous together with the change of the colours crops. 东南亚种植水稻的自然条件和人文原因是什么,要简洁,字数少的. listen and ji Listen and choose和Listen and The students of Class Five are going hiking to the West Hill.five为什么在class后面呢? 英语选择 坐等,The students ___ the performance of each team in class at the end of the class.A measuredB estimatedC numberedD evaluated求翻译 the students of class tow are doing moring reading 【 】are reading english 【 】are readingsome, others 还是.some, the others为什么 Read and choose the good advices是什么意思? Read and choose yes or No的意思 什么做Read and choose Read and choose 选择A.supermarket (超级市场 ) B.KFC (肯德基) C.clothes shop (服装商店) D.cimema(电影院) F .park(公园) E .bus stop(公共汽车站)( ).1. I want to buy a dress and 有A,B两段路,A段路厂600米,B段路长540米,在这两段路上等距离安装路灯,要在这两段路的的终点必须按一盏灯,那么至少需要安装几盏灯?算式 360米长多一段路多中间有一排电线杆路多两端都有,原来每两根之间多距离是30米,现在改为45米.如果起点处多一根电线杆不移动,那么接下来离起点处多远多哪些电线杆不需要移动? 中国古代哲学特点? 得数用进一法保留整平方} 李师傅用铁皮加工做10节通风管,每节长1.2米,横截面直径为0.8米,共要用铁皮多少[接风口忽略不计 得数用进一法保留整平方} students rating of their teacher 求一篇题为On Students' Evaluation of Teachers的英语作文150字左右 The students r______ their teachers as their best friends . the students————(将……视为)their teachers as their parents{应该填什么呢?) 求教关于气焊作业中氧气乙炔的消耗量 用氧炔焰切割钢管/钢板,厚度12毫米 我该怎么计算氧气乙炔的求教关于气焊作业中氧气乙炔的消耗量 用氧炔焰切割钢管/钢板,厚度12毫米 我该怎么计算 Read the following statements and circle the one answer that most accurately 如何操作?现在在填一个申请表格,遇到以上项,该如何操作?什么叫circle the one answer 在microsoft word怎么圈中? read the passage and circle the inventions on the right Read and circle the correct sentence.