
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 12:20:08
I think this one is better.I prefer this one.这两个意思一样吗英语渣就这样... 英语翻译想写,我来自一个工程世家,不知道工程世家该怎么表达?还有什么说法吗?亲爱的兄弟姐妹们帮帮忙阿… 为什么英国的海港冬天不结冰? His mother made him____the fioor every day.A.sweep B.to sweep C.sweering D.sweepsI can't go with you tonight ____ Ihave homework to do.这两道填什么 选单词:1.His mather made him ( )the floor every day.A.sweep B.to sweep C.sweeping D.sweeps2.I can't go with you tonight ( )I have homework to do.A.before B.after C.because D.if3.The grass and trees ( )yellow in autumn.A.are B.change C.turn D.get 谁能把它改成被动语态:We sweep the fioor every day. He has never been happier,and my mother has never been happier,_____neither either I make a date this afternoon.这句话的中文意思, my uncle has never been abroad ()填yet 还是befor?为什么 I Can Sweep The Fioor60单词 本天要用 We kan sweep the fioor.写问句 I went to the zoo with my father and mother.怎么问? 秦皇岛现在气候怎么样?大海没有结冰吧?是不是很冷啊? 盐城的气候怎么样啊?是不是夏天可热可热,冬天可冷可冷?靠海,四季都有风,环境又怎么样呢? 有类似这样的经典诗句吗?曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云.人生如雾亦如梦,源生源灭还自在. 英语 第一题完成对话.1Mr Chen:Good afternoon,Im Chen Zhong.Class:3Daming:Hello,Betty.Betty: my father hasn't been to Britain.He has been to the US合成一句话 my father hasn't been to Britain.He has been to the USA改成my father hasn't been to Britain_____ _____ the US 英语翻译烟袋斜街东起地安门外大街,西至小石碑胡同与鸦儿胡同相连,为东北西南走向,全长232米.据清乾隆年间刊刻的《日下旧闻考》一书记载,此街原名"鼓楼斜街",清末改称"烟袋斜街".据说, 练英语听力时,要不要听懂 一意大利女性朋友发给我的几句话,buon appetito,mi manchi anche tu,ci sentiamo più tardi想请会意大利语的朋友帮我翻译好点.有一点懂,但是全部话的意思,在线怎么查不到呢! 意大利文读音,急Sogno Angelo 译:梦幻天使 Cambiare 译:蜕变 wizard moda 译:时尚精灵 三个意大利文的单词,用中文写出来谢谢! 意大利文里 字母V 怎么发音用英文或者中文拟声下吧比如bravo 怎么发音 首字母发音不 刹那即是永恒,这句话究竟什么含义?境界如何? you'd better confirm your hotel booking by phone before setting off翻译 英语翻译可译成:“可以改善”吗? Amy likes helping the old people do some housework.(保持句意基本不变)Amy____ helping the old people ___ some housework. i want to runaway with you and never look back 一个女孩子说的. 这样的词语 I have lived here (for) five years. 这里的for为什么可以省略?I have studied English (for) five years. 1.She came here five years ago.(用现在完成时改句子) 2.My brother often draws a picture.(用现在进行时改句子) especially,particularly ,extremely的区别?especially,particularly ,extremely的区别,再分别用他们造一个句子.