
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 15:40:26
that'll怎么读(必须加上音标)? i like ______(light or pale red) better than red 求:Suppose it rains,what shall we What we should do as we already do the necessary from our suppose it rains tommorrow,what should we do?这是什么用法?从句是一般现在时,主句却用过去时? _____(suppose) the plan goes wrong ,what shall we do then 连词成句:jim a name is first(?) price quotation on goods请翻译,关于商务英语方面的意思,并加上英语翻译. 求英语演讲稿——on the price of pollution希望写的有号召力一点。写的好的话还可以加分。本人脑细胞用尽了,越写越糟。 关于英语介词问题 The nuit price of the goods do not include the rebates committed by supplierThe nuit price of the goods do not include the rebates committed by supplier under commodity sales and purchase agreement .此句中的under 能换 your,go,before,brush,you,teeth,bed,to(连词成句) I'm going to do something great with my life 怎么翻译 英语翻译so i could go and get the money and the alcohol,because i wasnt going to walk around with it like in my hands or something 英语翻译翻译全句If i cannot do something as common as going to a movie with you without having to spend an hour waiting for you to get out of bed,I would rahter go alone. first,His,is,name,frank.连词成句 not,name,his,mike,first,is连词成句 英语翻译Replacement 和 Exchange 在这里有什么区别?我觉得都是更换的意思.Frame/Bezel 框架/边框? press the button until it appears pressed down on the screen 英语翻译On the Settings screen,the operator can set the Parameter Write Enable flag and various other settings that should normally be left at the settings provided by FANUC. ( )to the good weather ,many people spend much of their time in the open air 答案以t为开头 在这个句子中,A,B,C,D有一个错的改出来:Some pictures A(are)B(appeared)C(on)the D(screen).are appeared on screen中有个错了改出, some pictures are appeared on the scream 改错 改错The words appeared on the special screen 印度支那是指哪里? 印度支那是指哪个国家? Some salad are on the table.____ ____ __ _____ A B C D (改错) 印度支那到底是什么意思呀? A YELLOW FOOD MADE FROM MILK THAT YOU SPREAD ON BREAD 谁能将"纽约是美国第一大都市和第一大商港,它不仅是美国的金融中心,也是全世界金融中心之一"这句翻译一 When people are used to polluted air,it might be diffucult for them to breathe fresh air.为什么用‘polluted’,而不是‘pollute’ .是不是答案错了几位答案都很好,可惜只能选择一个最佳答案。只能选字数最多的 英译中you have the to breathe clean airyou have the to breathe clean air.你有呼吸清新空气的权力是禁烟宣传用的.翻成中文稍微好听点 有点文艺的 还能怎么翻少了一个词 you have the right to breathe clean air It is an interesting film,which brings the role _________(live) on screen.我想知道这里是alive还是living,为什么?