
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 14:02:59
求值s=(1十1/1x2)十(2+1/2X3)+(3+1/2X3)⋯+(20+1/20x21 若函数f(x)+2f(-x)=x2-2x-1,则f(2)=? 已知f(x)-2f(-x)=x2-2x+1,求f(x) f(x)+2f(1/x)=x2(这是平方)+2x求X的值还有一题是f(x)+2f(-x)=x2(这是平方)+2x 2f(2x+1)+f(1-2x)=2x-2,求f(x) I'm very glad because I___(pass)my English exam.用所给词的正确形式填空. 未来给现在的一封信注意:是未来给现在的,不是现在给未来的啊,注意!还有,是作文600字左右 第一句是oceans apart day after day这是什么歌啊? 读了青蛙妈妈说的话,你懂得了什么? __________ is my aunt.We often visit __________. "visit my my father is go to visit my aunt 哪错了 Let the student __ you __ the school you need a bike now?I can lend ___ to youA the other B another C it D onehave you ever tried ___?it's really an interesting and exciting sportA to windsurf B windsurfing C to windsurfing D windsurf 同义句are you the top student at school?are you ()()student at school? Oceans apart,day after day 参考Right here waiting这首歌Oceans apart,day after day And I slowly go insane I hear your voice on the line But it doesn t stop the pain have you___(visit) your aunt yet? 如果有人对我说I was ill yesterday.我可以怎么回答 Can Tom ( )dinner now .用have提空 "ocean park"要大写吗 有the要大写吗我的英语默写里出现了这个单词 我是这么写的:ocean park(同学批改)她就给我打了一个叉,写上“大写”这里不用加the 真的要大写吗加the要大写吗 中山park中的park中的p用大写还是小写? century park c和p要大写吗 将个没有区别的14小球放入编号为1号2号3号4号的4个盒子里,要求每个盒子都不空,则有几种放法? 一道公务员题目.小丁每天骑自行车上学的路上会经过三个十字路口,三个路口都有红、黄、绿三色信号灯.已知他在每个路口遇到红灯的概率为1/4,遇到.黄灯的概I率是1/12,遇到绿灯的概率是2/3. su yang _ do her homework on sundays.A don't B doesn't C isn't Daren't 直线xcosθ+ycosθ=0的极坐标方程为 What's the matter?同义句 #include void sub(doublex,double*y,double*z) {*y=*y-1.0;*z=*z+x;} main() {double a=2.5,b=哈哈,不知道怎么回事,这题输入到这就输不了了,接关是:b=9.0,*pa,*pb;pa=&a; pb=&b;sub(b-a,pa,pa);printf("%f\n",a);} Do you agree that we can judge a person by his appearance? 用英语回答,至少六句话,是三一口语六级的 X-0.8X=6 X=? 局长英语怎么说 X-0.8X=6怎么解答