
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 01:47:41
用英语怎么说?英语语法:怎么说?再造个例子 “冰箱里面没有可吃的东西.”的英语翻译? 直接从冰箱里拿出来的东西,能直接吃吗? 请问,作为广州亚运会志愿者,你最想对亚运志愿者,亚运健儿和亚运中的广州说些什么? ''she wants to be chinese teacher in her country''什么意思 英语翻译You be happy with the strong public support you've received.Yes,you're right.I'm really excited.a.may b.can c.must d.need 在冰箱里 用英语怎么写快,回答的快我追加30分 英语翻译The headmaster turned a deaf ear to the _____of the parents.a.words b.sounds c.voice d.noise 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 她当英语教师已经近15年了 英文翻译一下.She has been an English teacher ______ _____ ______ _____ 她的梦想看起来不可能实现.Her dream seems__ to__ __. dream的三单,问她的梦想成为现实的翻译,dream的用法 英语翻译她年轻的时候曾经梦想当一名音乐家 当我们在路上遇到老师时,必须向他们问好. 用英语怎么说? 正当Jim走在路上他看到了一起公交车事故 用英语怎么说 谁能帮我想一篇作文【我和亚运】400字左右~不要太多字~400字左右~ She wants to be a teacher.对a teacher提问 求一篇 我爱亚运 我爱我家 的作文请不要到别处找来,因为我已经找好久了!你说找的我都可能看过. 高一英语:选择正确的词语填空1、William's first stop was in___(which;what) is a small town under the himalayas.2、Recording your voice when you read english may help you to see___ (where;when)you could improve.3、You must make___(that 高一英语正确词语填空选择正确的词语填空1、Actually,___ (two third;two thirds) of the land in africa ___ (is;are) not covered with sand.2、What I said just now ___ (was;were) totally based on a resent survey.3、The teacher told th 选择正确的词填空.1.Sam is looking ( ) in the mirror.2.Children enjoyed ( )at the party.3.I do my homework by ( ).4.Boys,you should wash ( )before dinner.5.Bob makes his bed by ( )every day.6.We clean the classroom by ( ).7.The little bird can 选择恰当的词语填空推行 推广 推辞 推荐 推动现代化建设需要多出人才,快出人才,因此( )人才异地交流的做法,( )人才市场化,积极( )人才,是大家不容( )的责任,也是社会发展的需要 用所给词正确形式填空 Mrs Brown is ________old woman.She_______in the country,and she doesn't known London very________.One day,she went to London,but she couldn't____her way.Just then she saw_______man near a bus stop."l can ask him the way,"she ________to herself ang as 亚运会开幕式作文不要喊口号 最好是500字以上 不超过650字 关于亚运会开幕式的作文 亚运会的开幕式作文我已经有了一篇作文了只不过字数有一点点多如果不快点,我就用那一篇作文了我的要求:120字以上、400字一下 差不多也可以,但不要差的太多 2010亚运会开幕式作文 去.的路上用英语怎么说 大虾们看看,5个空瓶可以换1瓶汽水,某班同学喝了161瓶汽水其中有一些是用喝剩下的空瓶换的,那么他们至少要买汽水( )瓶.161瓶汽水就有161个空拼可以换161/5=32.1,因此需要购买161-32=129瓶汽水,再