
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 00:54:05
He 'older( )his wife.A.as B.so C.is biger D.is bigger zippo康斯坦丁的问题?我想问下蚀刻铜机康斯坦丁和盔甲版康斯但丁有什么分别,那个更好一点,俩个的价格是多少?推荐下淘宝那家店的货好些?在此答谢! The man is so sad because_____his wife's death across的同义词是什么? come across同义词 like songs good这个songs为什么要有+S We can't believe the boy --------------- speak at three months(be able to) let sth be done and let sth done 的区别既然过去分词本身能表被动为什么用原形BE呢,我不太明白,BE 在句中做什么成分. I saw him three years ago,but since then I_____(not see) him any more正确形式填空 有没有 let sth done 的结构说清楚点,最好是权威的答者 GOOD news for Avril Lavigne fans:he new songs are on the way. he goes good He will come here________(代替)of his sister our country. A:will Black be here today?B:no,and---------a.his sister won't too b.neither his sister willc.neither will his sister d neither won't his sister请说明理由谢谢 英语翻译是翻译为1)你看见那个被警察审讯的男孩了吗?还是2)你看见那个男孩被审讯了吗?如果正确答案是1),那2)应该怎么用英语表达?如果正确答案是2),那1)应该怎么用英语表达? he has got 3 times more books than his sister哪里有错 请帮忙找错,Shopping in the FutureI think shopping on the internet will be more and more popular in the future.Because on-line shopping is very convenient and efficient.Whenever and wherever you are,you can buy anything you want.Hoever,I don't th I want to be .in the future.怎么写话 I want ( )( ) ( )( )( )like YaoMing in the future5个空中文意思是我先将来成为像姚明那样的篮球明星 Holly likes to read books.Holly's firend likes to stay at home.同义句 How to do 还是 What to do?How加什么?What后加什么? Let's go ____ (go)and____ the windows He___( not clean )the windows now. Once he ______ a shop assistant. once与be动词相关的简单语法什么时候be放在once前面,什么时候放在后面? 写同义句:Divide 8 by 4,and you will get 2.(divided/equal) 英语翻译caresse de parfum pour la douche是什么功能的化妆品呢?各位大哥大姐 ,下女子急用,求你们了 I ha to get to the airport at 10.00 but it is 9.20now._____!I can send you there by car选项在下AThat's tooo bad BHurry upCDo not worry 门庭若市的反义词(用邹忌讽齐王纳谏中的 )用邹忌讽齐王纳谏中的 ) 写反义词 赫赫有名( ) 门庭若市() 事半功倍( ) 这句话里用after还是since?A month has passed since/after my visa processing.“从我的签证开始处理已经一个月过去了.”后面需不需要加began?A month has passed since my visa processing began. la femme mange的意思?这个的意思到底是 这个女人在吃东西 还是 这个吃着东西的女人?就是说搞不清这是 the woman is eating还是 the eating woman同样的还有le garcon boit小白请教各位啦~~