
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 21:23:13
我能飞,而且我能飞的很高 的英文怎么说? 能飞英语 favorite的同义词favorite = like..best 还等于一个词 是什么 英语翻译其中一句,If you can quote these please do so based on the EAU (Estimated Annual Usage) written on the bottom of each print.do based on the EAU 和这个 quote该怎么理解?我们发了开发信,对方回信,有图纸,问我们 so give up smoking at once ,only in this way can you keep healthy forever 为什么用can you 英语翻译我方同意将最小订货量减少50%,但是如果包装比较复杂,制版费用过高的话,需要你方分担部分制版费用.如果你方同意,我将寄样品给你. 怎样快速提高外语能力?口语方面 to get mixed in with sth如何理解.有例句的话就再好不过啦,谢谢不是get mixed up with喔.是get mixed in with喔!有没有人见过get mixed in with的?唉.现代大学英语精读课本真是烂!!老是出这么乱七八糟又查不 AE中让画面在1到3秒内做随机抖动表达式怎么写? 英语翻译有劳英语达人帮我翻译一下下面一段话,谢绝软件.我估计你说的是美国的价格,在中国,钢铁价格从3月份至今已经上涨了150美元,由于我们厂有储备才一直保持原来价格.目前价格每天都 英语翻译PS:用您的想法翻译顺溜了,再帮我看看能用上alter这个词吗?或者他的变形 what did he want?he asked me ___my bike A.for B.with C.to D.on she is picking apples now改为一般将来时 何祚庥的那篇三个代表与量子理论有人阅读过吗?如题有读过的给个比较中性的评论. 何祚庥有什么杰出贡献? 何祚庥怎么读 何祚庥:是谁把极端环保主义者进行极端化描述 孽缘,这两个字是什么意思谢谢了? it's a rainy day和it's sunday合成一句,意思不变 反义成语 模棱两可 Dreams have always held a universal fascination.Some (1) societies believe that the soul leaves the body and visits the scene of the dream.Generally,however,dreams are accepted to be (2) realities.They have much in common with daydreams-the fantasies ‘模棱两可’这个成语出自谁的典故?他的代表作是什么? 这是啥成语呢?“模棱两可”这个成语我试过了不行的. what s this in Engish?写答语 This's not my ring 修改病句 the more he workde the more _________(活力)he was老师说的呢是 energy.可是我觉得是active 但是还有同学填的是lively 而且,这里是用原形还是比较级哦?求教一下下…… the more he explained,the more I was puzzled (初中英语,)The more he trid to get out of the pit,the -------(疲弱的)he became.The more he trid to get out of the pit,the -------(疲弱的)he became.填tired还是——?除了tired还能填什么? 急!“网吧”的英语 He became more outgoing than before ____ meeting new people in the club.空格处应填什么单词, 描写晚春的作文 up-down traverse of the