
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/16 20:41:00
一道类似数独的数学题.把 这几个数字填入九宫格内使每行加起来都是390..竖着和横着都是390. 区别look through .look for .look around .look after. look for in和look for的区别 “三伏不热, 如果圆环的外圆周长为30厘米,内圆周长为20厘米.求圆环的宽度过程,要过程! The party began ____a piece of music and ____a pop song.A.with;ended upB.for;ended up withC.for;ended withD.with;ended up with不是有end up这个短语吗?为什么要加个with啊? The birthday party of last week ______(以.开始)an English song短语 mr.smith shook ------his friend before he left the party.A hand of B hand of C hands with D hand with 这题选什么啊 为什么 Mr Smith is an old friend of _________.A.Bob's mother B.Bob's mother's C.mother of Bob D.Bob mother's答案选“A” 火烧云的形状变幻无穷改为带感叹号的句子 火烧云接着会变成什么样子? 火烧云有哪些形状 毛泽东思想,邓小平理论,三个代表重要思想,科学发展观的精髓是什么 what is Zhang shan' s first name 和 What is Alice Brown' s first name?我要绝对准确的答案,不要想当然的答案. My name is Jim Alan Clinton.What;s my first name? What's my first teddy's name,? Tom is office is far away from his home.为什么要用 far away from 因为面料松,所以在裁剪衣服的时候尺寸不好控制 英文翻译 可不可以帮我写一篇题目为My dream school为题的英语作文?要一般将来时时态.will be的.有没有简单一点的、80个词左右 away from We ___ the party ___abeautiful song.A.started;with B.start;for C.will star;at D.start;of说说这是啥么意思.选什么.为啥 I will never forget the party which ______ up with a song sung by Song Zuying.A. ends B. ended C. finishes D. finishing their dad is mr,white ,he is in a brown coat,their mom is mrs翻译成中文 the party started ----- a dancing concert.A.to B.at C.with 口字里加个女念什么? 英语翻译◆中国第一次参加世博会中国第一次参加世界博览会应该始于1851年的伦敦世博会,中国广东商人徐荣村将自己经营的“荣记湖丝”装成12捆,托运往英国终于质压群芳,脱颖而出,独得金 口字里加个女字念什么字 (急)口字里加个海字念什么?指教?急```` 口字里加有怎么读 BROWN COFFEE AND BAKERY怎么样 COFFEE同BROWN有什么区别? holly Brown coffee中文名称是