
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:52:29
I want to be a good student我想成为一个好学生- -,但数学和英语是我最大的障碍,数学我听得懂,有些较难的题我有时也会做(记住:是“有时”),学得懂,但是学不精,这是我的缺陷,英语就更不用说 six的i发音相同的单词 科学发明的故事(少) The _______(many)books you read,the________(many)you will know The ---- you read,the --- knowledge you will get.(much) 科学发明小故事怎么样 求一部大概不知道是80还是90年代的动画,具体也不清楚了,现在突然回忆起来想看,知道的请告诉下, 什么是Q-tip电影对白"i did it when i was 15,no wait,16,no ,excuse me,15.all right,when 1996"“You have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistence." 为什么孙悦的昵称是Q-tip? it was difficult that the great writer work with his works finished是什么意思 英语翻译 语法 It is a great pity that she ___so conceited.A isB was C wereD be 请详细解答 这题目是什么意思 考的是什么 谢谢 How many years to forget you I don't know .May be I don't know whether you happen----,but I am going to study in the USAthis SeptemberA to be heard B to be hearing C to hear D to have heard 英语翻译Wake Up (To Seek The Truth) What goes around comes around and knocks you senseless to the ground.You regret the words you found,your voice and your sound.Oh I know you didn't mean what you said.But I couldn't help feeling like I was dead. 征求不带脏字骂人的话是骂一个男的,就是特小气的男的 ,喜欢和女的计较那种, The man died with his work still ___.A.unfinish.B.was finished C.unfinishing D.unfinishedThe man died with his work still ___.A.unfinish.B.was finished C.unfinishing D.unfinished为什么选D不选别的 1,He was often seen _____with the peasants, A, work B, working C,works D, to be worked如题.为什么答案选B, 求英语老师,did henry paint the whole house himself?he had it painted because he does not like to climb a ladder 问 was the house painted?求翻译 求英语老师解答 请英语老师解答!For most people,the word"fashion" means"clothes".But people may ask the question,"What_1_are in fas hion?"And they use the adjective"fashionable" in the same way:"She was wearing a_2_coat." "His shirt was really a fashiomablecol 在英语教科书上看到 The government has turned the place into a park.这句话的同义句是不是The place has been turned into a park. Yes she wants MIC男团师妹唱rock star时,唱那几句“yes she likes me yes she wants me..."的时候的舞步我不能确定是不是唱这句歌词的时候跳的,反正就在这左右,大家也可以看看央视一起音乐吧,MIC师妹好像就在这个 Yes she needs me是什么意思 英语翻译是工作上的邮件,希望可以写得地道和客气一些,【很抱歉,我怀孕了目前正在家休养,可能还需要几个星期的时间才能回到公司上班,所以这段时间无法过来给您教课,但是我一直很重视 用英语翻译下面的句子.我想从星期五开始请假6天,因为我要回家扫墓和处理一些事情.希望得到你的同意. that's a pity 英语老师怎么那么烦? 英语老师太烦了,请来看理由!我很想学习数学、物理等理科,但是苦于时间不够,平时作业很多,学习时间只能压在周末.语文老师很好,几乎没作业,所以我一直挺爱语文的,一直都是年级前20多( 给英语老师发短信老师会烦吗我女生,英语不错,英语老师特别喜欢我,我很喜欢她.有时我有问题会发短信问她,有的时候我会和她发短信聊聊天.她每次都会回复我,还经常在短信上叫我宝贝儿, 为什么大多数人都很烦英语老师么?