
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 21:06:20
有首歌 歌词有your my brather your my friend 最后是love is colour 歌曲 某班一次集合,请假人数是出席人数的九分之一,中途又有一人请假离开,这样以来请假人数是出席人数的二十二分之三,那么这个班共有多少人? 要写过程! 2:假如一只熊大+两只熊二=34;三只熊二+两只熊大=55那么 一只熊大和一只熊二各是几? 继承革命传统对民族精神发展有什么意义 vipabc、伯瑞英语哪个好 如果光头强开m4伐木坦克砍树,以熊大和熊二的智商能对付的了吗?3Q 一道高中解析几何设抛物线C:y^2=16的焦点为F,过点Q(-4,0)的直线l与抛物线C相交于A,B两点,若|QA|=2|QB|,则直线l的斜率k=? 熊大和熊二进行数学比赛商定算对一题得20分,错一题扣12分.熊大和熊二各算了10道题,两只熊共得了208分,熊大比熊二多得了64分,问熊大和熊二各算对了几道题?用一元一次方程解 tell me your way,英文的.第4分24秒的这首 I can tell by the way your mouth is.A:I can tell by the way your mouth is.B:I can tell by your mouth.①A和B是否都是正确表达?②A和B表达的意思是否完全相同?③请从语法结构上分析一下A句 龙的形象为什么会从最初的似猪,类蛇,像鹿或马发展到集九种动物特征于一身请简短 一只蚂蚁从长方体的一个角走到对角下方的一个点最短的距离是多少?已知长方体的长宽高分别为12、10、8. the most important ten 还是the ten most important最重要的十个 Mr.Dawson was an old grouch,and everyone in town knew it.Kids knew not to go完形填空 翻译句子 some of their lights wouldn't turn on,and the heat had shut off. 2009年五年级上册(人教版)语文寒假作业的答案 I can not buy you a future I can not give you the answer,ya~I can not be your savior I can not helpI can not buy you a future I can not give you the answer,ya~I can not be your savior I can not help myself either,ya~是什么意识 公园里猴子和熊猫共15只,猴子的重量是熊猫的4倍,猴子和熊猫各多少只 i love me enough for both of us.这是一句歌词 但是我不知道它是连在一起还是分开i love me,enough for both of us.如果连着看enough作副词修饰love可以不 i'llwalk with you …… the post officeA.untilB.so far asC.as far asD.as far请解释一下什么意思谢谢 首字母填空 Zhang Qian was an early traveler on the Silk RoadZhang qian was an early traveler on the Silk Road.He was p___the first man to bring back good information about the central Asian lands to China.In 138 BC,the emperor of the Han Dynasty Don,t talk!Please __quiet at the meeting.( ) A.live B.keep C.study D.enjoy why was silk road developed? 我买了一只六斤多的母鸡,发生了关系~·里面感觉好热 不怎么舒服 这是一只什么母鸡,怎么养哥哥姐姐,是母鸡【求怎么养】 一只母鸡大约多少钱 五(1)班男女人数之比是1:4,任选一名男生,选中的可能性是( ). ( )Can you tell me ____in Hangzhou in the past?A .what everyday life was like B.what was everyday life like C.how everyday life was like D.how was everyday life like 写回忆美好的作文,八百字左右 You have me confused,but how can I refuse?Tell me,my ...future. 什么意思 的 求涵数y=log(3+2x-x*x)的定义域和值域 Shortly after后要倒装吗?