
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 10:24:18
What are you?等于 What do you do?等于What's your job?这三句话意思一样吗? 卤代烃为什么能水解?为什么羟基可以取代卤基? what nationality are you和what’s your job都是''你''的为什么一个用are一个用is呢应该都用are吧,原因都是问''你''的 what do you think are your strongest job skills我主要不懂后面那个are your strongest job skills,这是一个什么用法啊? 找出错误并改正 Traditioal Chinese food for good wish.急还有 Let's to go to a restaurant. Sweet dumplings is a traditional Chinese food( )good wishes,中间的空填什么? do yuo know any traditional chinese food for good wishes sweet dumtlings ------moon----- cake填空 wish my friend a good trip in China怎么翻译 下面那个句子中的with which 的with 是什么用法,表达什么含义?it is unusual for a seller to be able to find a unique selling point or a competitive advantage with which to convince the customer . count在本句中的意思,以及with的用法an industrious person can accumulate more and more experience which counts much with his later success.count在本句中的意思,以及为什么后边要用with. Be with people who appreciates you,not with the people who you need to impress.翻译过来的:“有人欣赏你的人,不与那些你需要留下深刻的印象。 ①We need to mome up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean up.②we cant put off making a plan.③we could put up signs.④l ll give them out after school.⑤We could each call up 10 students and ask them to come.翻译英语 He is ready __ help people in need.A.to B.for C.with D.by 我们需要多花点儿时间和老年人在一起.We need to ______ ______ ______ with the old people. People need a lot of e___to live and work every day. 我很伤心英语五十词 齿轮受力问题工装上有六个齿轮,是相互契合成一排,第一个齿轮是主动轮,最后一个齿轮的轴上挂有5N的重物,在主动轮转动,重物上升(匀速)的过程中,经测量第二个齿轮(离主动轮最近的这 齿轮和杠杆受力分析请各位大侠帮忙分析一下上图的受力情况,以上数据全部忽略摩擦力! 花岗岩地板对人体有害吗花岗岩主要是铺在客厅和餐厅的貌似那地板还没办法拆,如果对身体有害的话有什么办法解决吗可不可以在花岗岩的上面铺一层木地板伤害会不会小点 人造大理石(花岗岩)有毒吗如题 when the earth moves between the sun and it ,the moon gets no light 6yue25ri 化学:(5)检验卤代烃中卤原子的方法是,在卤代烃中加入氢氧化钠加热后再加入硝酸银溶液.此说法有什么错?请帮忙解释清楚,谢谢 联盟的英文缩写是什么? 什麽叫岩层的新老关系?怎么判断?怎样叫新怎麼叫老求解!比如怎麼知道哪里是新哪里是老来判断向斜背斜?最好结合图说明. 宝鸡 是什么地层 问下噬神者爆裂博士要找的5个东西是什么东西?在哪里找我的是英文版的 RT 什么任务啊 找什么啊 地层里出现最早的生物是什么 隧道岩层里渗出的红色液体是什么东西?还有白色的? the sun,the earth and the moon 英语填空快 快 快,要分析 the sun,the earth,the moon,Mars为什么"Mars " 前不加定冠词the Need a person to accompany是什么意思 d______ give something to people in need是什么词谢谢