
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 22:19:35
大家帮忙连一下线(人物及相关事务连线)李春 小伙计 国画艺术大师齐白石 石匠 著名数学家华罗庚 小木工 赵州桥设计者万事通119 关于历史典故中有人物的成语要十个 we have same books改为一般疑问句和否定句 I'm the first,I'm proud of it. ”我是第1个”的英语是I'm first 还是要在first前面加一个the? I choose the first one的中文意思 把I'm the first.改为复数句I'm the first.(改为复数句,一格一次)( )the first. I can not atone for like this the miss,but still pretend to that I don't care you I understand that you won\'t accept me,but I can\'t help missing you这是什么意 怎样改英语简单句?这里有几题,(最好说一下怎么改)1.We didn't go out for a walk because it was raining.We didn't go out for a walk_____ _____ the rain.2.He was so excited that he couldn't go to sleep.He was _____ ____ ____ go to be 英语改简单句he asked when he would go sightseeing by carhe asked _______ _______ _______ sightseeing by car Abnormal and extreme weather,which scientists have long predicted would be an early effect of global warming have claimed hundreds of live across the world in recent years. 英语复杂句改简单句He insisted that i should read the book at once.Since he left school,i've never seen him.That you go there will help a lot. 英语简单句怎么改 有公式么 高分求新课标人教版高中英语听力mp3,越清晰越好麻烦给个可用的地址,或上传文件.或劳驾发到hunter76的163邮#¥箱. 锦上添花下一句是什么 锦上添花,家喻户晓 下联 英语简单句分析He did not play well enough to win.能不能帮我分析一下句子成分,状语在哪儿?状语:to win ???to win 是什么? 请教一个英语简单句的分析.谢Would you mind waiting a few minutes?Would you mind waiting for a few minutes?这两句有错么?书上说第一句是 主谓宾 的句式.这里的a few minutes是做修饰么?相当于形容词?第二句是 写出下列历史典故中的人物.士别三日,刮目相看( )只要功夫深,铁棒磨成针( )闻鸡起舞( )草木皆兵( )才高八斗( )大材小用( ) 求人教版新课标整个高中阶段英语听力MP3下载地址! 写出下列历史典故中成语的主要人物百里挑一( ) by pelling the apple first的汉语意思 怎样对by peeling the apple first 提问 请知友判断一下下列英语简单句的类型, 英语有几种形式? 【英语】用下列公式标出下面简单句的类型. 英语简单句的5种形式,每个举例,标明句子成分. wei shen me dian nao bu neng da zi?zuo tian cai sha le du.mei you bing du,ke jin zao jiu da bu liao zi.zen me ban gong ju lan li ye mei you "yu yan lan". 目瞪口呆,“目”和“口”是同属一类的两个事物的名称,而“瞪”与“呆”是分别与搭配的动词.写出同类的成 写英文简历时,“自我评价”怎么说? 英语的简单句怎么变为复杂句?