
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 01:25:00
是整数多还是偶数多呢? 整数多还是偶数多? 两个连续奇数的和一定含有因数2.()这道题是对是错? 英语翻译Liu Jin was relieved that her little cousin was successfully saved in the hospital.About a day ago Liu Jin had brushed her sports shoes.Then she had put some mothballs in them and put them on the windowsill to let them dry.This morning,Do I saved your life,you saved mine,we're square.求翻译 请问your entry id been saved as a cookie! 多项式-5x的三次方y+4xy的平方-3x的立方y的平方+2x1是 次 项式最高次项的次数是 常数项是 You entered: LN154656821US Your Item's Status See Details . Unfortunately, there are multiple items这是usps网站的显示:You entered: LN154656821USYour Item's Status See Details .Unfortunately, there are multiple items with that information. 过椭圆标准方程(a 大于b大于0)的左焦点的直线方程X等于负根号2.且椭圆上一点到椭圆两个焦点距离之和为4.求:(1)求该椭圆的标准方程 诈赌罪量刑?炸赌没2000元.第一次拘留了15天.第二次怎么量刑?我们被抓3个人是不是团伙? a>b>0,是椭圆标准方程的什么条件 yahoo:Your message was not sentYour message was not sentSuspicious activity has been detected on your account.To protect your account and our users,your message has not been sent.If this error continues,please contact FAQ for further help.We apologis 经过两点(3,0)和(0,-4)的椭圆标准方程如题 过点P(√3,-2)Q(-2√3,1)两点的椭圆标准方程 已知π/4≤x≤3π/4,f(x)=(1/2)cos2x+sinx+9/4,最大值为2,求实数a的值上面错了= = 是 π/4≤x≤3π/4,f(x)=(1/2)cos2x+sinx+a/4 函数y=根号(x^2-1)的定义域 现有面值5、2元的人民币共有100张,共有260元.5、2元的人民币各有多少张? 若f(x)=2sin(π/6-2x),当f(x)=1/2时,求sin(5π/6+2x)+sin²(π/3+2x)的值 "i should be more careful later!" the boy said to __(he)用括号中单词正确形式填空 若∫上1下0f(x)dx=1,∫上2下0f(X)dx=-1,则∫上2下1f(X)dx=? 知f(x)=2sin(2x-π/6),g(x)=f(x)+a.2.若函数g(x)在[0,π/2]上的最大值与最小值之和为5,求实数a的值求详解 积分a到0f(2a-x)dx为啥等于积分a到2af(x)dx 奇数X奇数=()数 东北大学怎么样? 东北大学怎么样?冬天冷吗 Don't shout in the hallway,___ ___?A.shall we B.will you C.don't you D.aren't you 用发表怎么造句 某贴样品56克与足量稀硫酸完全反应后产生氢气0.195克.则其所含的杂质可能是什么?为什么?如题 用不是而是造句,怎么我才能发表 用发表见解造句 因为……因为怎样造句?看见就可以发表自己的意见 stolen,robbed区别?