
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:59:18
请问 you must unlock this achievement its view to discription什么意思 paper was first made in china成分分析 to unlock,clear 6 tracks iphone跑跑卡丁车有一关的过关要求就这样写的, 英文名Anka有什么寓意?完整一点 Shane,Anka,Ciel这几个英文名用的人多吗?哪个比较好?分别有什么寓意? loved you a long time ago 翻译中文 i stopped a long time ago (stop是什么词,及物动词还是不及物动词,翻译) 华硕主板开机提示:This CPU is not supported by this model. fifity years later radio is still very popular and it will be here for a long time的翻译 not support this type of 是在开机的时候显示的英文not support this type of cpu:0f41后面还加了这些个数据 this motherbord is not supoort 77w and over 77w cpu梅捷SY-I7BMU3+主板 I5 3470的U ,不要跟我说adv里面找77w,我找了半天了知道的可以Q我790615039 也可以直接18915916576 this motherboard is not support 100W and over 100W cpu电池扣了,COMS也清楚了,电源也换了385W,核定250W,还是不行 Sorry,your CPU does not meet this requirement. 大概歌词是it's so hot to your baby,it's so can your baby ,什么歌里有这个歌词的这个歌是在《绝代商骄》第一集里佘诗曼出现时的放的歌, what a tuff 有没有这样的说法? What has happened\happens to her?选择Susan stays alone in the classroom and looks sad.__________to her?A.What happensB.What has happenedA和B的区别是什么?为什么选B? 宾语从句是什么? 例句 She only slept a wink last night.中文意思是什么?顺便简要的解释下语法?a wink 是作同源宾语吗?要是作同源宾语,a wink 和 sleep 的意思差很远呢? What a fuck ing day 中文译音怎么读 What a fucking When we feel worried or excited ,we may not want to eat改为从句 Do we want to eat when we feel worried and excited? When we feel ____,we may not want to eat.A.worry or excite B.worry and exciting C.worried andexcitingD.worried or excited为什么选D? Too much _____(cloudy)is in the sky.Maybe a heavy rain is coming.这个题意就是:天上有许多云,可能一场大雨就要降临了,填的空是 n.much是修饰不可数名词的,可cloud是可数名词啊,填clouds?还是cloud,或是其他? The watch is made in China.为什么不用过去时 1.The car( )(make) in china.2.many toys in the shoop ( )(sell)last week.3.the chinese language ( )ofen ( )(use)in the world4.At christmas ,children in family ( )(give)a beautiful present5.I( )(ask)to answer the question in the class yestday there is ___university near the park (a/an/the/this) W:Hello!This is Li Li from Beijing University.________第1空_________根据对话内容,从下列选项中选择相应的正确答案.A.I'll have a visit to Hong Kong University.B.We'll arrange someone to meet you at the airport.C.Could I talk to Pr this is a(an) university?a 还是an? 翻译:how did peter put the bread into his mouth? Next,put some lettuce and the chicken slices on the bread.Put the relish on the chicken. to blame the other guy is even more human如何翻译