
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 10:50:59
请问是“班集荣誉感”,还是“班级荣誉感”? 他和家人计划去北京观光旅游英文怎样说 选择.She doesn't like watching TV bafore ___ her homework.A.finish doing B.finish doC.finishing doing 去年你缺席多长时间?中译英 more than three qauter ( is 还是are )population , she h___ porriage.she doesn't like milk. We really appreciate all the help you have given.I don't think we__it without you.A.can manageB.could have manage C.could manage D.can have managed搞错了。我一开始选的是C。 找出一个与其他三个读音不同的单词1.A.no B.do C.so D.go 2.A.how B.now C.round D.borrow- - - - -- -- -- --3.A.bread B.read C.clean D.teacher 4.A.can't B.answer-- -- -- -- - - C.stand D.ask 5.A.close B.Miss C.dress D.yes 6.A.broom - - - - 找出与其他三个读音不同的单词1 A.work B.forty C.blackboard D.short2 A.house B.cloudy C.touch D.blouse3 A.now B.down C.window D.how4 A.clock B.go C.hot D.stop5 A.warm B.far C.park D.garden 你能找出与其他三个单词读音不同的一个吗?A.full B.soon C.moon D.swimming pool 画的是u 和ooA.warm B.morning C.caught D.for 画的是ar 、 or 、 au 、orA.job B.short C.office D.dog 画的是o 、or 、 o 、 o 翻译:That's one less problem to worry about.这是不太应该担心的问题. I worry about you Which one do you worry还是Which one do you worry about? which numbers are more than fifty percent of the largest number?(1,2,4,8,16) 那个是正确的,谢谢 《敬业与乐业》一个人对于自己的职业不敬,从学理方面说,便亵渎职业之神圣;从事实方面说,一定把事情做糟了,结果自己害自己请从学生的角度谈谈你对该句的理解 敬业与乐业 '事的性质,从学理上解剖起来,并没有高下'作者的本意是什么?联系生活 单词辩音,找出不同的发音1.A.h(a)ve B.n(a)me C.c(a)se D.J(a)ne2.A.t(o) B.d(o) C.d(o)es D.b(oo)k3.A.(s)pell B.(s)ports C.(s)ound D.doe(s)4.A.(c)enter B.(c)lub C.(c)lock D.(c)all5.A.l(i)ke B.tenn(i)s C.f(i)ve 辨音 找出发音不同的字母或单词1.E D B Y 2.F X M W 3J V H K 4 thanks jacket map grace 5 hi quiit fine white 单词辨音,找出划线部分发音不同的一项.1.( )A.look B.book C.too D.good2.( )A.bread B.healthy C.head D.break3.( )A.year B.pair C .near D .hear 有关敬业或人生的名言 英文中,蚊子和芒果的英文复数形式是什么? some stndents often worry about their lessons.some stndents( )often( )( )their lessons.(同意句转换 I'm ____(worry) about my lessons.(急) I often d_______ about my old friend.补充词语.还有还有,I want to know what Bill t_______ of the basketball game. 能把新概念英语第二 册的听力也给我打包份吗? 谁有新概念英语1-4册的录音呢,打包的,谢谢我的QQ邮箱853206163@qq.com In America,only in a few casesdoes more than one household lives under one r In the life certainly does not lack America,only is lacks discovers the beautiful eye.这句话里为什么用America?中文不是“生活中并不缺少美,只是缺少发现美的眼睛”么? Hongkong is more crowded than __________in South America 麻烦写下理由,A.any other city B.any cityC.other cities D.the other cities I want to buy a new sweater to you .错哪里了?改正 I want to buy my mother a sweater.改同义句 ListView.Items.Add具体怎么用?不明白里面的参数怎么用麻烦给个例子,谢谢但是如果有多列的话怎么赋值?