
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 09:35:46
我的女人很可爱 My woman is so cute 才15个字母,能不能帮我改成16个字母的,很急!原来的意思不变,就16个字母就行了,不过要正确的,不要随便加个,拜托拜托拜托!!! home sweet 如题~ So good night don't cry I still love you baby 怎麽翻译 求歌名:第一句是i can tell.中间有一句是so you can try cry but sorry...的英文歌曲是女的唱的 结尾似乎是...never me 在3分钟多一点那会另一女的喊的是 you never me :Do I need to cry in front of you so you can understand how much you hurt me?谁帮翻译下 英语翻译还有You're so ugly,when you were born the doctor took one look at you and slapped your parents.You're so ugly,you stuck your head out of the car window and got arrested for mooning.You're so ugly,your pet name is Scooby-Doo.Your girl is 帮忙取女英文名 求一篇去旅游度假的英语作文!考试中!暑假就要到了,假设你们学校的外籍教师Miss Green 要到北海围洲岛度假,她想你了解情况.请你为她写一段简要的介绍,内容包括:1.围洲岛的地理位置和自然 英语作文 关于中学生使用ipod的利弊情况 考试ing.假如你叫李华,是一位高中生,随着科技的发展 ,ipod已成为中学生的新宠 .用ipod既可听音乐,阅读纯文本电子书 又可玩电子游戏.请你用英语给某 初三一篇英语作文假如你叫林涛,你本打算明天上午8:40去火车站,接乘Z9次(NO.Z9)列车来看你的姨妈,可碰巧你明天要出差,要到傍晚才能回来.因此你决定写一张便条给李明,请他去帮你接姨妈. 我是初三哒...作文的要求是:请根据以下提示,介绍一下在美国人家里做客时应注意的一些事项.可适当发挥,词数100左右.1.买一件小礼物,比如一个漂亮的杯子,一束花等.2.请准时到达主人家里,不 一篇初三的英语作文提示:Jack过生日.我和部分同学应邀参加聚会.我买了邮票做为礼物,6:30到达Jack家.Jack很高兴,很喜欢这个礼物.我们唱歌,跳舞,玩的非常开心.(要求:80字左右) Why can't the person,who love each other,is together? So thank you for being the person who taught me to Love请快回 有急事! Thank you taught me to love a person's feelings什么意思 用英文打电话时的用语.Yoko:Hello.This is Yoko speaking.(请George讲话?) George:Speaking.Yoko:Hello.This is Yoko speaking.(请George讲话?)George:Speaking.I can't really hear you.Is this Yoko?Yoko:Yes,it's Yoko.I have a bad cold.(卧病 Why can't people get together who love each other 英语划线提问:This is mary speaking是Mary划线 低压铝浇铸件内部有气泡我们供应商采用的方式是低压浇铸,然后要机加工表面,电镀等,可是在打磨表面的时候发现铸件里有很多小气泡,在电镀后就更明显.有点像针孔,大的直径有1mm,很多.谁 I'm ___ an e-mail to my friend in Australia.(A).taking (B).writing (C).waiting (D).giving My mum is ( )TV mow I'm writing an e-mail ( )my friend She is ( )her homework 请问铸造配料怎么计算,如再生铝配料计算,有没有配料软件 铝合金端盖的低压铸造工艺设计 I'm witing an e-mail ( ) my friend用适当的介词填空 你喜欢照片上的这个明星吗,他是魏晨,如果你喜欢他,请支持他, 英语翻译得赶快,最好是橙芋,什么长像,什么对粉丝的好随便,如果不是橙芋,了解他们也行 请帮我看看这篇英语作文,关于魏晨的!My favourite singer is Vision.He was the third prize of the super boy singing competition.He‘s VERY HARD in singsing and very kind to his family.he was born in1986,he is 22 now.His smile make let ma 话题作文我喜欢的明星该怎么写谁能帮下我?(魏晨)希望那位大哥大姐,能帮我写下话题作文我喜欢的明星(魏晨)我下个星期要上讲台讲,谢谢了. 求一篇关于my dream 的英语作文一定要是300字左右的英语作文题目也可以是How do you plan to fulfill it?Have you felt frustrated sometimes?How did you cope with the rough things?请老师帮帮忙 请自己写 如果自己写的 Choose a Right Person For a Right Post什么意思 Choose the right word from the list given below for each blank:career wished extent than Younger composer knowledge for popularity waltzes violin dance established conducted died orchestranumber conducting musical One on player choose the right pro noun to fill in each of the blankschoose the right pro noun to fill in each of the blanks______(Our,We,Ours)classroom is big.The woman is_____(her,she,he)mother.This is_____(you,your)book.These are_____(their,them,they)desks.____